Moronic Media Has Their Collective Noses Rubbed Into Harsh Reality: Nothing Improper with Airmen’s Pro-Trump Merchandise at Ramstein Says Air Force – IOTW Report

Moronic Media Has Their Collective Noses Rubbed Into Harsh Reality: Nothing Improper with Airmen’s Pro-Trump Merchandise at Ramstein Says Air Force

OOOF. That’s a punch to their blubbery gut.

STUTTGART, Germany — U.S. Air Forces Europe said troops holding “Make America Great Again” hats during President Donald Trump’s visit Thursday to Ramstein Air Base were not in violation of military rules that prohibit taking part in partisan activities while in uniform.

“There is no rule against Airmen bringing personal items to be signed by the president,” USAFE said in a statement.


The media just makes up crap they know nothing about, routinely citing facts about Jesus, the military, guns, heterosexuality.

8 Comments on Moronic Media Has Their Collective Noses Rubbed Into Harsh Reality: Nothing Improper with Airmen’s Pro-Trump Merchandise at Ramstein Says Air Force

  1. “A lie travels half-way round the World before the truth gets his boots on.”
    (Dead White Dude)

    The lie was told. The lie travelled. The lie will always be believed by the gullible. THAT is the point of the lie – another tiny razor-cut in the fabric of American civilization.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Tim, the turkey will always be plastic for the NPC’s. Even when their beloved Snopes weighs in…

    “What many Americans now recall about those images ten years later, however, is that what President Bush was carrying wasn’t a real turkey — that it was a plastic imitation he crassly posed with to create a much-needed goodwill photo opportunity amidst the controversy of his decision to go to war in Iraq. Those recollections are wrong, though: The turkey on that platter was indeed an actual cooked bird, not one made of plastic or any other artificial material.”

  3. But no problems with it when it was 0bama singing HOPE&CHANGE bumper stickers or his ghost-written books. No talk to putting soldiers in jail when they took selfies with 0bama and Mike. No talk of collusion when the soldiers brought in t-shirts with 0bama’s mug on it. No talk of defiling a military uniform when 0bama signed the inside of a soldier’s hat.

    LSM is just on tv to hear themselves read from their diaries.


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