MT: County wants to eliminate WWIII sh!t kits – IOTW Report

MT: County wants to eliminate WWIII sh!t kits


Yahoo: BOZEMAN, Mont. (AP) — A Montana county plans to dispose of more than three dozen Cold War-era sanitation kits meant to provide makeshift bathroom facilities for fallout shelters.

Forty-two fiberboard drums labeled “SK IV Sanitation Kit” were shipped to Gallatin County in January 1964, the Bozeman Daily Chronicle reported.

The kits contain a toilet seat, commode liner, 10 rolls of toilet paper that people were cautioned to “USE SPARINGLY,” along with commode chemical. The seat fits on top of the lined drum.  more

16 Comments on MT: County wants to eliminate WWIII sh!t kits

  1. I got a receiver hitch on my truck, an adapter to the hitch with a toilet seat mounted, a five gallon bucket with trash bags to go in….I’m ready to go!!!…LOL…hell, it’s a mobile outdoor library….bring on no indoor plumbing!…

  2. My neighbor had a fallout shelter in his back yard. He had shelves stacked
    with rations. 15 cans of dehydrated water. Not sure how that works, but
    I don’t know much about survival stuff.

  3. Geezuz, they’d sell out in about a minute on Ebay. The city cool crowd (there’s a name for them but I can’t recall it) would buy them because they’re “ironic” and people with hunting cabins and the like would buy them for backup and the apocalypse crowd would buy them to fill out another checkmark in their list. Damn, because they’re government issue they could put a pretty fat price tag on them as well.

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