Mueller breathed life into Democrat impeachment push, and may have just reelected Trump – IOTW Report

Mueller breathed life into Democrat impeachment push, and may have just reelected Trump

Legal Insurrection-

Nancy Pelosi has been under enormous pressure to green light impeachment proceedings. I don’t see how she holds off now. Mueller likely forced Pelosi to go to a place politically she didn’t want to go.

Robert Mueller’s statement today could have served only one purpose — to breath life into Democrat attempts to commence impeachment proceedings against Trump.

Mueller didn’t add any substance to the 400-page report, and most of his statement was related to procedures, including his resignation, the closing of the special counsel’s office, and his desire not to testify about the report beyond the report itself.

The substance of the statement on Russia collusion/conspiracy was brief and shut the door. There was insufficient evidence to charge a broader conspiracy as to Russian interference.

But most of the substance was on obstruction. Mueller reiterated that the Office of Special Counsel could not clearly determine that Trump did not commit a crime, or it would have said so. “‘If we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”

This is a completely unfair standard and not what prosecutors normally due — investigations are not to find that a person did not commit a crime, but to find if the person did commit a crime.

More important, Mueller made clear that he considered the Special Counsel’s Office bound by DOJ policy against charging a sitting president with a crime, so his office never reached a determination one way or the other. Mueller made clear that under the Constitution, there were other mechanisms for dealing with a president accused of wrongdoing. Without mentioning impeachment proceedings, Mueller certainly must have intended to suggest it.

If that is Mueller’s view, that his office’s hands were legally tied from even reaching a decision, then why investigate at all? And why issue an opinion that he could not find “with confidence” the president was not guilty? Mueller could have expressed an opinion on guilt short of charging the president, much as he expressed an opinion that he could not find the president clearly not guilty.


22 Comments on Mueller breathed life into Democrat impeachment push, and may have just reelected Trump

  1. If these assholes vote to impeach Trump, he’ll be able to mount a defense in front of the Senate, and the scumbag democrats will have no control over the defense exhibits Trump’s team presents.

    He will be able to expose the Obama administration as the lawless motherfuckers they’ve already demonstrated they are in a forum the democrat friendly press cannot cover up.

  2. By stating they couldn’t determine Trump did not commit a crime they are in essence stating they found no evidence that he did commit a crime. Talk about snake in the grass doublespeak. What a spineless turd Mueller is. But most of us here already know that.

  3. I can not clear Mueller of being a child rapist.
    Has he finally stopped beating his wife?

    See just how idiotic and wrong this unlawful approach is? We do not prove our innocence; they must prove guilt.

    That is our legal approach in a fair system.

    Dems are not allowed to speak shit against the POTUS until after the Hildabeast hangs!

  4. Barr testified that he asked Mueller if Mueller didn’t indict because it wasn’t in DOJ policy to do so.
    Mueller told him NO. It wasn’t why. It was because there was no evidence.

    Mueller is just trying to mess with both Trump and Barr. Because Barr is going to expose Mueller, CIA and the FBI. If Mules really believe there was some shit left to do, he would have stayed, AND testified.
    No, instead he does this bitch move about how he’s never ever gonna talk to anyone ever again.
    Pffffft!!!! WEAK!
    He’s got nothing. Nancy knows they have nothing.

  5. BL – you beat me to it. I can’t prove Mueller wasn’t in on the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks. Therefore we must arrest him and put him on trial for it!

  6. As I said earlier – right!
    but forget not that in ’16 the entire Rove/Bush Syndicate told us “VOTE CLINTON!”!?#$%^! 2 of them are now dead, so theoretically , can not vote. Don won in ’16 with the Rove/Bush folk backing Clinton. He will win again with them backing his opponent in ’20! No matter who the other half of THE UNIPARTY runs!

    But it gives the America hating press another excuse to lie about America!

  7. If I were Barr, I would be dangling some of the un-redacted documents starting tomorrow or Friday.

    AND I would be highlighting the fact that an FBI Deputy Assistant Director got busted taking bribes from LSM and leaking documents to them. It’s in today’s OIG report they handed to Barr.

    Findings of Misconduct by an FBI Deputy Assistant Director for Unauthorized Contacts with
    the Media, Disclosing Law Enforcement and Other Sensitive Information to the Media, and
    Accepting a Gift from the Media
    The Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of the Inspector General (OIG) initiated this
    investigation upon the receipt of information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),
    alleging that a then FBI Deputy Assistant Director (DAD) had numerous contacts with members
    of the media in violation of FBI policy. Additionally, it was alleged that the DAD may have
    disclosed law enforcement or other sensitive information to the media without authorization.
    This matter is among the OIG investigations referenced on page 430 of the OIG’s Review of
    Allegations Regarding Various Actions by the Department and the Federal Bureau of
    Investigation (FBI) in Advance of the 2016 Election (June 2018; ).
    The OIG investigation concluded that the DAD engaged in misconduct when the DAD: (1)
    disclosed to the media the existence of information that had been filed under seal in federal
    court, in violation of 18 USC § 401, Contempt of Court; (2) provided without authorization FBI
    law enforcement sensitive information to reporters on multiple occasions; and (3) had dozens of
    official contacts with the media without authorization, in violation of FBI policy.
    The OIG also found that the DAD engaged in misconduct when the DAD accepted a ticket,
    valued at approximately $225, to attend a media-sponsored dinner, as a gift from a member of
    the media, in violation of federal regulations and FBI policy.
    Prosecution of the DAD was declined.
    The OIG has completed this investigation and is providing this report to the FBI for appropriate
    Unless otherwise noted, the OIG applies the preponderance of the evidence standard in determining
    whether Department of Justice (DOJ) personnel have committed misconduct.

    Posted to on May 29, 2019

  8. Mueller didn’t want to testify before Congress because he was afraid of what the Conservatives would ask. When did he know that PDJT didn’t collude with the Russians? Was it before the midterms?

  9. The democrats are in an absolute panic, they see it is likely Trump will be re-elected. Their 23+ candidates are all duds and only Bernie can fill a high school gym. All they have is impeachment to run on and ideally to dispose of Trump prior to the election. The more they scream for this the more I know they are losing their minds. This melt down is just the beginning.

  10. As wobbly Brit Hume put it: If Mueller knew he couldn’t indict a sitting President then he went on “a fools errand” for two years, wasted a lot of money, and divided the country.
    Let’s see how many times “a fools errand” is repeated by the talking heads.
    Like: Cover up, cover up, cover up………..
    Under his skin, under his skin, under…….
    Manufactured crisis, manufactured crisis man……..
    Go ahead idiots, say it: a fools errand, a fools errand….
    Phucken retards!

  11. IF we had fair elections the demonrats would be a very tiny minority, hopefully if they attempt to impeach it will bring enough fence sitters and couch sitters out to overcome the fraud and take back the House and increase seats in the Senate.
    The only problem is how many of those with R after their names are liberals who aren’t quite crazy enough to get elected as demoncrats.

  12. Ha! Pelosi said there can’t be any impeachment until they can investigate and prove to Republican doubters that Trump reaaaally colluded.

    And now, Nadler has to have Pelosi killed. LOL!

  13. Did God give the mule a nudge to force a Dem destroying, Pelosi impeachment like Trump with that “surprise” finish line pop?
    God works in mysterious ways indeed and if you tick him off enough He will take the time to let you know about it.
    The Dems denied Him Three Times at their 2012 convention.
    I wonder how that’s working out behind the scenes for them?

  14. The only way you can prove you didn’t commit a crime, one that was known to have been committed, is to prove who did commit it.

    So, specifically, what known crime was committed that Trump has been accused of? One that he can show someone else did to clear himself?

    No one, of course, can prove that he never committed any crime since that would require all crimes be known and every one of them solved. (But you can prove you didn’t commit single specific known crime such as, say, a burglary or murder, by showing who did do the crime.)

    It will be interesting to see how the Left handles this if they accuse Trump of a crime and impeach him for it.

  15. Have never thought of Trump as a Republican or a Democrat, as the decades old professional politicians and MSM continues their shell game to insure their paychecks/payoffs. The Clinton’s, Waters, McCain’s, (list too long, goes on and on) because their greed would never be quenched, delusional power and mental illness has much more to do with it.
    Trump rolled in and said F’ that, and scared the bully BS out of all of them.
    Anyone that thinks Trump got into this for profit or power,
    2020 will prove it!

  16. MJA posted:

    “Nancy knows they have nothing.”

    Nothing but… timing.

    The impeachment hearings will begin just about the time PDJT would begin his 2020 reelection campaign. They’ll have him tied up in House hearings and briefings when he should be out leading the masses of Trump supporters chant “USA USA.” That will give the weak clown car of Dem-ass wannabes time to stir the pot, time for the antifa-spawned riots to take root (Antifa = Obama’s homeland “police” force).

    Will it happen this way? Yes. You bet your sweet bippy. Will it work? No. President Trump will be reelected.

  17. Political WHORE

    M’you – err – lair

    Has just tried to become an employable in DC again

    He became an unemployable when he couldn’t
    nail President Trump with a crime or any
    dreamable impeachable offense

    To resurrect himself as further employable
    he inserted enough unsworn and baseless innuendo
    to allow the smellocrats endless harassment
    and ” investigation ” of no known crime.

    M’you – err – lair has probably become
    re – employable in the minds of the smellocrats.


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