Muslim Rape, and its coverup, Has Come To Canada – IOTW Report

Muslim Rape, and its coverup, Has Come To Canada

Do you know who this couple is?

Screen Shot 2016-01-15 at 1.21.59 PMAll Canadians know who they are. They are their national disgrace. This couple is among the most depraved serial rapist/murderers in the world.

Paul Bernardo was Canada’s Jack the Ripper, a man who liked his victims to be underage schoolgirls. He raped for years before letting his girlfriend, Karla Homolka, in on his secret.

Turns out she was into it.

The sociopathy was their bond. As a present, Karla decided to allow Paul to rape her 15 year-old sister, Tammy, on Christmas eve. She wanted to give him “her virginity.” After getting her drunk, plying her with sedatives and putting a cloth soaked in Halothane over her nose and mouth, Karla assisted Paul in the assault, even participating in the sexual acts.

Tammy died, but Paul and Karla went unsuspected because of inept and inadequate police inquiry. They determined that she choked on her own vomit after becoming intoxicated.

This only emboldened the duo.

They would eventually get married and continue their crimes- kidnapping, raping and murdering young teenagers. One girl was cut up, put into blocks of cement, and tossed into a river.

Canadians still talk about this couple. There is nary a detail that was left out of the continual and thorough reporting of these events.

So why do most Canadians not know a thing about this guy?Screen Shot 2016-01-15 at 1.19.02 PMHe’s raped more Canadian underage girls than Paul Bernardo.

Could it be that he’s a Muslim?

See at The Rebel

HT/ Kathy Shaidle


15 Comments on Muslim Rape, and its coverup, Has Come To Canada

  1. I heard about this and while I’m ashamed of the Canadian News industry as a whole I’m sorry to say I’m not surprised. For the longest time CITY-TV would describe criminals wanted by the police and give damn near every detail except the color of the suspects. Yep, I guess color isn’t important if you’re asking the public to help the cops in finding some bad guys.

    Journalism students have been coming out of universities thoroughly indoctrinated in leftist PC atitudes. The damn shame is that they don’t realize what happended to them.

    We need Conrad Black (or someone like him) back in the saddle of the National Post with an open mandate to put unbiased news back on the front pages and keep the opinions to the editorial or opinion pages we also need the CRTC to be gelded and the CBC to be sold off. Of course after electing the Half-Wit Justin Trudeau as PM this will never happen and Canada will soon be following the States on that downward, dangerous path.

  2. At the base of all this PC nonsense and cover-up is fear.
    Muslims kill people that cross them in gruesome ways.
    These cowards would let the muslims have their own children if they thought it would save their own skin.
    Little do they know that muslims despise them for their cowardice.

  3. If you wear a tie to work, and in particular if you are a white male, and then tell a risque joke, compliment someone on their appearance, ask for a date, touch a female or even look at someone inappropriately, you can be accused of being a sexual harasser and risk losing your job and your money.

    If you wear a towel on your head and carry a prayer mat, feel free to fondle and molest women without repercussions because anyone accusing you of being a harasser (or rapist, as the case may be) is a racist and islamophobe.

    If you are a candidate for President of the United States and ostensibly married to a former President of the United States, you are free to destroy the lives of any women who accuse your erstwhile husband of sexual improprieties, and anyone who objects to this is a misogynist who promotes the war on women.

    To a liberal, this makes sense, although I cannot figure out why.

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