Naomi Judd Took Her Own Life – IOTW Report

Naomi Judd Took Her Own Life

Fox News

Naomi Judd died by suicide following a longtime struggle with mental health, according to a new report.

The country legend took her own life on Saturday, multiple sources confirmed to People magazine

26 Comments on Naomi Judd Took Her Own Life

  1. She was an RN at one time in her life – right before becoming a star. She suffered from Hepatitis C which damages the liver – even can cause liver cancer. I don’t know what her demons were, I can only hope that she knew Christ and is at peace.

  2. @Goldenfoxx May 3, 2022 at 6:39 pm –
    Naomi was molested as a child by a family member, which she attributed to her depression. In addition, she gave birth to Wynonna at age 18, which didn’t help her situation any. She became a nurse out of necessity to raise her children and the contracted the Hep-C.

    So the ground work for her mental illness/depression was laid very early in her life, despite her amazing musical success The demons were cast, and probably contributed to whatever chemical imbalance she had. It’s hard to comprehend.

  3. My best friend took his own life when we were in college and 20 years old. He had such a promising life ahead of him. Nobody knew he was suicidal. Who knows what is going on inside the mind of someone who is suicidal when they decide to act.

  4. 30% of Americans suffer from some form
    of mental illness from mild to extreme.
    I don’t know exactly what our Lord says
    about suicide. I hope she is in Heaven now.

  5. I always admired Naomi Judd because I was a single mom like she was, so I understood her struggles to raise her girls on her own. It makes me so sad to hear about this. I hope she finally found peace.

  6. I saw a video of her last performance with Wynona.
    They sang their hit Love Can Build a Bridge, her eyes looked so lifeless. It was like she was going through the motions but wasn’t really there.
    So different from the first time I ever saw them in concert.
    They were an opening act for a bigger country band at the time.
    This was shortly before their fame really took off.
    My sympathy to her family.

  7. @MissinMi – “…her eyes looked so lifeless. It was like she was going through the motions but wasn’t really there…”

    Your observation has been echoed by MANY people.

  8. Not sure if she was a believer but the Lord blessed her with a wonderful voice and hopefully she is singing with the angels.

    Loved their song “Grandpa”
    Brings a tear to the eye. 😢

    RIP Naomi thoughts and prayers to your family 🙏🕊️❣️


    “I don’t know exactly what our Lord says
    about suicide”


    “John 10:28

    And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.”

    If she was saved, she’s in heaven. No one is greater than God.

    I she wasn’t saved, it’ll be no different than anyone else that isn’t.

  10. Suicide is a selfish, prideful and vain act against the knowledge of God. A sin nature weakness that proves mankind cannot save itself.

    So much more evident Christians must cry out AND trust God in our darkest times.
    Losing trust in God as Savior and Lord sets a Christian up to surrender to Satanic influence.
    Eventually, like those without a relationship with God darkness enters the soul – no longer persuaded God is THE Answer.

    I’m sure Naoml Judd did what she could to resist taking her own life. It’s very sad. May God have mercy. However, as Christians, our victory to overcome all that we face, is in completely trusting God and not leaning on our own understanding. It’s truly a choice.

  11. Nothing judgemental in stating the truly evil concepts of suicide. I hate how it has stolen another life, especially someone so influencial. Naomi was a wonderful woman and will be greatly missed.
    Somehow, the enemy of her soul, through depression convinced her otherwise.
    Yes, God alone will judge all of us and all things. Consequently, as Christians we must strive to trust and have faith in God so that world sees Hope.

  12. Don’t know her music.
    Don’t know anything about her, as a matter of fact, but suicide is a desperate act for which I hope God is merciful, being a result of a mental illness.


  13. @Jethro: My nieces husband blew his brains out with a pig rifle. We all knew the reason why he did it – drugs and infidelity played a part. I’m seeing college age women who have promising careers ahead of them (Stanford types), kill themselves. Depression is a terrible thing to suffer from. When you’re down so deep and can’t see a way to dig out, the inevitable happens. I’ve changed my opinion of people who kill themselves, we don’t know what their demons are or how to fix it.


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