Nazi Tactics – IOTW Report

Nazi Tactics


These subpoenas are a big freeze not only on Trumpworld, but conservative and Republican worlds. When people know that dozens are being subpoenaed by the feds regarding hundreds of people or entities, people stop talking to each other and engaging in perfectly lawful political activity out of fear that they will be next. Lawful political communication with the wrong person could find you on the receiving end of a DOJ subpoena and FBI home visit, or as just happend to Mike Lindell and others, being confronted on the street or in public by FBI agents.

It’s a way to shut down a political movement without having to arrest, indict, or prosecute anyone. More

14 Comments on Nazi Tactics

  1. It is thru these same tactics that

    LOIS LERNER’s irs shut down the TEA PARTY

    W/O an iota of proof etc.

    Lois lerner shut down AMERICAN free speech

    in concert with anti-AMERICAN

    Hosanna HO’Bama

  2. Intimidation tactics employed by the democrat nazis and hate groups to ‘scare into silence’. yeah well smart people know how to communicate and have the skill, talent, substance, spine, and knowlegde while democrats are nothing more than lazy aged-out washed-up impotent barren slugs out for themselves. Obviously they don’t know the American people too well.

  3. The Professional Loyal Opposition(TM). Telling you to give them your wallets. And fill out the Ballot(TM). Given you inside the boxcar. For FrEEEEEEDUMB!


    Your grandchildren will only be missed, after their fun holes have been stretched to adult size. You? You are already missed, loyal citizen.


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