NBC Comes To Aid of YouTuber That Criticized Rogan’s Covid Response – Turns Out That Person Is a Bigot. Now What? – IOTW Report

NBC Comes To Aid of YouTuber That Criticized Rogan’s Covid Response – Turns Out That Person Is a Bigot. Now What?

10 Comments on NBC Comes To Aid of YouTuber That Criticized Rogan’s Covid Response – Turns Out That Person Is a Bigot. Now What?

  1. They all are. Once you understand that progressive indoctrination is all about inculcating a sense of self hatred then getting the subjects to project their own legitimate reasons to hate themselves onto others everything about the whole damnable progressive strategy starts to become self evident.

  2. Never forget that NBC edited the Zimmerman tape regarding Trayvon:
    “um, he looks black”

    They live for racial division.
    They like nothing more than black vs white strife.
    It’s their fucking lifeblood.
    They harvest it, they foster it, they grow it from nothing.
    They are evil motherfuckers and their offices need to be detonated.
    They should burn in hell.

  3. Currently watching a Star Trek episode from 3-7-1969 where Lt. Uhura say’s to President Lincoln after he calls her a “negress” that her era has learned “to not be afraid of words.”

    Sorry Gene but sadly, and much to mankind’s demise we never got to that point…

  4. “Let me clarify that, Mr. President. We don’t fear the words WE say. The only words we still fear are those of the Klingons, Romulans, and the 29 retarded conservatives that still exist. who we have confined on a sparse planetoid. If we hear them say something we don’t like, we will photon torpedo their asses into non-existence. Other than that, we’ve learned not to fear words.”

    “Now demonstrate you’re not racist by kneeling before me, whitey.”

  5. Pro tip for anonymous asswagons:

    If you are going to attempt trolling here please learn proper sentence structure.

    It’s really hard to be offended when we can’t decipher what the fuck you are trying to say.

    Try again, perhaps have your mother proof-read it after she removes her mouth from my cock.

    Regards, Loco


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