Nearly 80% of voters ‘closely following’ Hunter Biden scandals as 2024 nears: poll – IOTW Report

Nearly 80% of voters ‘closely following’ Hunter Biden scandals as 2024 nears: poll

NYP: Despite the Dems’ best efforts to bury the story, more than three quarters — 78% — of American voters have been “closely following” news reports about First Son Hunter Biden’s scandals, according to a new Rasmussen poll. 

And more than two-thirds of voters believe it is a “serious scandal” that Hunter allegedly received “preferential treatment” during an IRS tax investigation. 

Among Republicans, 82% say it’s serious, and 71% of independents agree. 

Even 53% of Democrats say it’s serious. 

As the scandal tiptoes closer to the White House, it’s not going to be as easy to censor as it was in 2020. more here

10 Comments on Nearly 80% of voters ‘closely following’ Hunter Biden scandals as 2024 nears: poll

  1. What a great specimen of the Modern male.
    Soft, Dirty, Skill-less, with Drugs in his pocket to attract the WORST WOMEN available.

    No respect for Him,
    Less for the women who did him for a fix,
    Still less for those who voted for his Racist Daddy.

    F J B

  2. “As the scandal tiptoes closer to the White House, it’s not going to be as easy to censor as it was in 2020.”

    Ha, that’s funny. Your typical low-information/default liberal knows nothing about what’s on that laptop because the MSM has not covered it. Sure, they know that it exists and that it MIGHT embarrass the president but beyond that, they are clueless. And the FBI/Justice/Legacy media triad of obfuscation will make sure that all the dirt will remain hidden, so essentially this is a non-story.

    And it would be a huge stretch to extrapolate Trump votes from a laptop whose contents will not see the light of day.

    History has shown that Democrats will excuse almost anything to keep Trump out of the WH. They know Biden is a liar, a plagiarizer, a pervert, and a dementia-addled non-sentient bumbling stumbling fool, and they would vote for him in a second if it means staying in power.

  3. Rich Taylor,

    A squirrel WILL be released to divert attention from Hunter. Most likely a well timed Surge in Ukraine.


    Biden has to Run to keep his kid from getting his ass pounded in prison. Like most druggies, I’m sure he has SMOKED MEAT PIPE & BENT OVER for a fix.

  4. Kcir, the DOJ doesn’t want to charge him & biden* doesn’t want him charged but they may go ahead, just to end this situation.
    biden* pardons him because “a compassionate, loving father will of course pardon his surviving son since they are trumped up political charges.”

    He faces no fallout because dems do what the fuck they want.
    Bush didn’t give Scooter Libby a full pardon, only a commutation because he didn’t want to be “political.”
    This AFTER Clinton pardoned Marc Rich on his way out the door and then stole the silverware.
    BTW, Rich owed the US government millions.

    Our “principled side” are a bunch of fucking pussies.
    Dems laugh in our face…

  5. A huge perk of getting the WH next year would be to appoint a “friendly” Director of the FBI and some no-nonsense investigators (Durham need not apply) to actually look at the contents. But then reality slaps me in the face, admitting that the basterds would just lose the damn thing or destroy it like those Epstein phone logs, oops, so sorry.


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