Claim: Nearly Every Heavyweight Conservative Media Talker Was In on the Gang of 8 Deal To Some Degree – IOTW Report

Claim: Nearly Every Heavyweight Conservative Media Talker Was In on the Gang of 8 Deal To Some Degree

The New York Times has busted open a can of worms that until now was largely hidden from the public.

Behind the scenes every big name conservative talker was courted by Rubio, Schumer, Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch, in an attempt to coordinate a media blitz that would warm the American public up to the idea of “immigration reform,” a term they insisted everyone use instead of amnesty.

To what degree the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Ingraham and O’Reilly went along is up for you to decide.

The NYTs offers some evidence that even the Maharushi was influenced by this campaign.


ht/ Plain Jane


28 Comments on Claim: Nearly Every Heavyweight Conservative Media Talker Was In on the Gang of 8 Deal To Some Degree

  1. To what extent did they go along with this? It didn’t matter, to me, anyway. Any one of them who took it easy on or soft-peddled any form of amnesty or “immigration reform” was an immediate write-off. And everyone new the day Rush Limbaugh got paid when he said Rubio was a “full-throated” conservative. Apparently even Rush has his price. Hannity was easy to spot.

    I really liked Noonan’s recent WSJ article identifying the disaffected as the “unprotected.” There are those in the upper reaches of our society, mainly the political and media classes who are immune from eating their own dog food. So, I go back to IOTWR’s earlier post about Trump firing a shot across the bow of the media. They are not our friends and every one of them should be held in suspicion and some in outright contempt.

  2. To what extent did they go along with this?

    To the extent of not having there testicular fortitude to go up against the GOPe, that’s what extent. They kept their damn mouths shut. They could have busted the Gang of Eight BS wide open if just one of them had said something. They all colluders.

    I read Hannity became supportive. He fucking makes me sick. He had his nose so far up Rubio’s asscrack 2 weeks ago telling him that someday he would be president. What a tool.

    All of these supposed conservatives, Levin, Rush, Ingram…held their tongues. You can bet you ass that On Monday you’ll hear every last fucking one of them say something to the effect, hey we get these kind of off the record stuff all he time, no sense, yaknow confusing you rubes with any more info then we deem necessary.

    I see FOX is losing eyeballs big time and I can only hope that the same happens to these worthless POSs.

    The gig is up and out in the open now.

  3. @am I right,

    The “fix”, as far as the media is concerned, has always been “in”‘ It doesn’t mean we are screwed as long as you always remember that everyone has a self-interest in what they say. As we’ve seen, here, the self interest by the pols and the media is to wind up on the team who retains power.

  4. While it *does* embarass those right media folks, the only one I can remember at or around the time “speaking stupidly” was Hannity.

    [TO AA: I suspect with Rush’s Rubot comment it was more blackmail, since he already has so much money]

    Other than “embarassment,” though, it seems more like a Leftist attempt at “guilt by association.” After all,a meeting or dinner with “the enemy” does not automatically a traitor make.

    What would be interesting would be a few excerpts of various conservative pundits “speaking stupidly” shortly after this dinner/meeting.

  5. TO MM

    HOW SO do you mean they all kept quiet about it? Not that I follow/ed any of them regularly but, I’m pretty sure most of them did speak out against it. I didn’t just learn about it online.

  6. TO AA
    Yeah, quid pro quo goes on daily up there.
    It just seems that Rush’s “endorsement” of Rubot – which came off to me like a kiss of death for his credibility – would have required quite a bit more than “just another favor”….

    …along the lines of the joke: “a friend will help you move…but a good freind will help you move the body.”

  7. C of D — No ordinary favor. This gets back to what I was referring to about Noonan’s piece. She properly identified the media and political classes as “protected”, meaning they are now positioned above the application of the crap world they have created, the one the rest of us “unprotected” people have to live in. They don’t have to eat their own dog food. Rush can live the lifestyle he wants because of his wealth — having political friends who owe him means he doesn’t have to worry about present or future laws that might upset his status quo. All he has to do is make a few phone calls. What he’s done for the GOPe is greater than millions in contributions. Look at the size of his loyal audience.

  8. As far as Limbaugh and Levin, this is a bunch of bologna. Neither one of them has ever been on board “immigration reform.” Indeed, they have both consistently referred to it as amnesty, and wasn’t Rush the one to coin the nickname “Grahamnesty?”

    I do listen to these guys regularly and not once have I thought they were trying to convince me that the Go8 was anything but a total disaster. I’m with Czar – go back and show me where Limbaugh and/or Levin began pushing the Go8 following these meetings.

    Now Hannity and O’Reilly on the other hand…

  9. I saw this coming a mile away. The best part is, it was rejected outright, even with “conservative” support. We the People aren’t as stupid as They the Elite think we are. We don’t believe the promises. When the campaigning started for this election, I predicted that the first candidate to declare that he/she would enforce immigration law, finish the fence and deport illegal aliens would win. I’m right so far.

  10. @AA: Is this the same hack Noonan that voted for the halfrican in the first place, That Peggy Noonan? I wouldn’t exactly put to much faith in anyone that would have voted for the current disaster/nightmare and what was the reason for her vote? Oh, that’s right I think it was something like he’ll bring the country together, post racial president or it will be a good thing to have a black president. Yeah right, I’m going to trust what she says right after signing up for the French Foreign Legion. If I were an educated man, I would look at her views on anything from the fact she’s spurned woman looking for some payback.

  11. I think when details of the bill started coming out into public Levin was all over it and fighting it. I believe Rush came around against it as well. The top thing the gang tried to sale was security first and Rubio lied to everybody on that.
    Limbaugh and Levin weren’t going for this. They fought in2007 and fought in 2013 when details came out.

  12. Czar-I used to listen to Levin religiously, never missed a show and was definitely listening when this went down so I can say with 100% accuracy that he never once mentioned he had been approached by Rubio, FOX, or anyone else to get his mind right about amnesty.

    The fact is had any one of them said anything about this at all, it would have been front page news everywhere-just like it is now. They’re all complicit.

  13. sounds more like a NYT hit piece than anything ….. get real ‘conservatives’ (aka… We the People) up in arms against the ‘talk-show’ hosts … get them to sit out the election …. again

    if you can show me where Limbaugh & Levin came out & supported the pile of crap ……. then it’s a different

    guilt by association is just another prog media tactic

  14. TO Gock 10mm
    Yes, though that’s the same Peggy, this article of hers WAS a good one – worth the read.

    TO MM
    Thanks for the info. Thouhg you may be right about their “silence” at the time, I still sorta tend to lean towards the notion that the dinner may not have been worth mentioning at the the sense that media folks are constantly coaxed/nagged/massaged into listening to someone’s “sell.”

    Like I said, I don’t know their shows much. But to me, it would have come off sorta weird to hear someone like Rush say,
    “Oh my God! Can you believe it?!? Rubio and Schumer gave me a dinner and asked me to support their awful bill! I’m shocked! SHOCKED!”

    Without snark: what am I missing, in your opinion?

  15. Uh folks! This article is from the New York Times. They have a vested interest in making us fight among ourselves. We should ask for secondary evidence. Also, when did the NYT expose the gang of eight bill as a trojan horse? It pays to be skeptical but in this case, I would make Pinch Sulzberger submit to a polygraph and Sodium Pentathol.

  16. If Limbaugh came out and called Rubio a full-throated conservative after he had a sit down with Schumer and Rubio, who were asking him to soft soap and warm up America to the coming “reform”,
    then I’m disappointed.

    I’m not disavowing him. He’s one of our greatest assets. And I think he’s a brilliant analyst.

    But I’d be disappointed that he didn’t come on the air and tell everyone all about the meeting and what the traitorous Rubio was attempting to do in cahoots with the left.

  17. Do you all remember when Erick Erickson (EEk) dis-invited Trump on some B.S. about not wanting to Trump around because of his (I think) language. That was B.S. EEk was the shill to start the vendetta against Trump BECAUSE of Trump’s stand against illegal immigration and alphabet visas. EEk found his B.S. excuse and it was flimsy.

    I listened to hear if Limbaugh was going to have EEk back on as a guest host. That was my litmus test for Rush. Eventually Rush did have EEk host his show. That was when Rush failed his litmus test. That was when both Levin and Rush started promoting Cruz, subtly at first, then they became stealthily more vociferous. Levin still speaks against Rubio, but then came Rush’s wonderful words about Rubio. I called bullsh*t on them many months ago. I still listen nearly every day to see if they straightened up their act, but learned they did not.

    There is just too much synchronized anti-Trump, pro-Cruz stuff coming out of both sides of their mouths for people who say they haven’t endorsed anyone. It’s not just Rush and Levin, it is nearly the entire “right” talking heads.

    I think the “right” talking heads actually want Hillary to be president. Their mouths could go on telling us nothing and gas-lighting us for at least another 4 years, because they aren’t calling out Rinsed Previously for his devious behavior, because of their heavy innuendoed endorsements of Amnesty Cruz. I’m sure I have other reasons but right now I have to do something somewhat urgent.

  18. Fur: I would never expect Rush to come on air and tell anyone about a meeting.

    Gock: Peggy Noonan — yes. What Czar said. Great article that speaks to all the Forgotten Man Americans that have been left in the dust of elitism. Your comment is reactionary.

    Related to this topic is Hannity’s support of a “pathway to citizenship” he explicitly ‘evolved’ to as late as 11/12:

    And a more detailed commentary on Hannity and others from Daily Caller:

    Smoking gun? Boom!(?) I hate those kinds of tabloid headlines. It makes it too easy for those whose ox is getting gored to convince us there is nothing there but hyperbole.

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