Nets Conduct Full Black Out on Biden Fake E-Mail Accounts – IOTW Report

Nets Conduct Full Black Out on Biden Fake E-Mail Accounts


Boom! Another bombshell just dropped in the Biden family bribery scandal and again the leftist media outlets have censored it. 

It looks like President Joe Biden used various aliases and pseudonyms including the name “Robert L. Peters” in his correspondence with Hunter Biden. So far the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks as well as CNN and MSNBC have yet to air a second on this stunning new development. More

12 Comments on Nets Conduct Full Black Out on Biden Fake E-Mail Accounts

  1. legacy media’s in collusion up to their eyeballs with the evil doers

  2. In a semi-related story. has been pretty much erased from the internet. You can still see it on Telegram, but the war in Ukraine is going too badly for Ukraine, so it was time to pull the plug on truthful reports reaching the West. Additionally, the internet is warning people off (Dances With Bears)now, likely because he doesn’t toe the mainstream line on Western Supremacy.

    So if you’re not hearing much about something which should be headline front page news, just assume that it’s not going well for the establishment. And if you’re being slathered with rosy reports from the NATO PR factory, assume the opposite and you likely won’t be wrong.

    Still and all, the truth is irrepressible and being published somewhere, but you just have to find the bread crumbs and blow away the MSM chaff. Which is what the establishment is counting on everyone not to do. Stay skeptical, my friends.

  3. Anyone who is only watching NBC, ABC, and CBS to find the news is only getting filtered propaganda information and nothing else. If they don’t want to hear bad news or be upset about the democrats they should just focus on those. Stay blind, safe and dumb if you can’t handle the truth.

  4. Part of the psychology (the fad, in fact) of prog/left/lib voters is the pride they have in being willfully ingnorant of facts that might make them look incredibly stupid. It’s maddening, but hats off to the leftists who conditioned these people: they did a brillant job at exploiting the weakness of the GOP and the willful ignorance of GOP voters of how corrupt and treasonous the GOP actually is.

    “ It would be surprising if they actually did their job and reported anything other than propaganda.”

    Brain-washing Propaganda IS THEIR JOB.

    Ours is to NOT SUPPORT IT. Starve them, tune out.


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