New video shows Jada Pinkett Smith laughing after Will slapped Chris Rock – IOTW Report

New video shows Jada Pinkett Smith laughing after Will slapped Chris Rock

NYP: Newly surfaced video seemingly shows Jada Pinkett Smith laughing after her husband, Will Smith, slapped comedian Chris Rock at Sunday’s Academy Awards.

The footage — recorded by a member of the Oscars 2022 audience sitting just two rows from the stage — went viral on social media Wednesday night, racking up more than 350,000 views.

In the footage, Smith can be seen storming off the stage and sitting back in his seat after assaulting Rock.

“Wow, Will Smith just smacked the s–t out of me!” Rock then remarks, with the video appearing to show Pinkett Smith’s head tilting forward with laughter. read more

20 Comments on New video shows Jada Pinkett Smith laughing after Will slapped Chris Rock

  1. It’s hard for me to describe how much I don’t give a fuck about this story… But please by all means continue running it up the flagpole.


  2. Now everyone knows all about Jada Smith’s Alopecia, and more people know all about Jada the Slut’s numerous affairs. Will Smith is the most famous Black Colored Cuckold in Hollyweird. Perhaps they should hold the Academy Awards show in a parking lot in Compton next year.

  3. While I, too, don’t GAF about the antics of Hollyweird assholes, the story is about the state of our nation’s cultural health – which isn’t doing so well.
    We’re awash in filth – stupidity – cupidity – corruption – ignorance – and superstition (Globaloney Warming, CoVid, &c.).

    If we don’t recognize the disease, we can’t cure it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Keep seeing stories about how Pfizer sponsored the Awards, Jada Smith has alopecia, Will Smith slaps Chris Rock, everyone hears about alopecia, Pfizer just so happens to have the world’s first drug for treating alopecia coming out sometime soon. If true, this looks more and more like a scripted event for Pfizer’s benefit. Probably doesn’t hurt the Awards prospects for next year, either: millions more will tune in, waiting to see who beats the shit out of who over what next.

  5. This is a PR campaign for Pfizer’s soon to come to market drug for alopecia. Clearly worth every cent they spent sponsoring the Oscars since people keep talking about this clearly fake set-up.

  6. The Rock-Smith incident was not staged it was spontaneous.

    The COVID Vaccine is perfectly safe and protects you from COVID.

    COVID is more deadly than the flu.

    Over 80 million people voted for Joe Biden.

    Climate change is caused by humans burning fossil fuels.

    Jeffery Epstein killed himself.

    The media is honest and trustworthy.

    Now STFU and stop thinking for yourselves.

  7. I had no idea Will Smith was a cuck until now. And I bet BILLIONS and BILLIONS and BILLIONS of other people didn’t know until now either. Nice going Fresh Cuck of Bel Air!

  8. Like she’s watching a big, black brawl at Disneyland. I’m surprised she didn’t have her phone up recording it. At least nobody’s weave is lying dead on the ground—oops, probably shouldn’t mention weaves in this context.

  9. There is no drug that will cure Traction Alopecia. Won’t stop Pfizer from selling some sort of chemical product for a mental disorder. Whatever Pfizer peddles, I won’t be surprised when one of the side effects turns out to be excessive hair on the back. And nobody notices.

  10. We all know that Will is a cuck but do we really know that Jada has alopecia? – I thought alopecia caused hair follicles to stop producing hair – she seems to have a lot of roots showing –

    what’s really going on?


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