Noncitizens who reside legally in New York City will no longer be permitted to vote in city elections, according to the state Supreme Court, which struck down a law that went into effect earlier this year.
The law would have granted New York’s more than 800,000 legal noncitizens the right to vote in city elections beginning next year. On Monday, however, the court ruled that there is “no statuary ability for the City of New York to issue inconsistent laws permitting noncitizens to vote and exceed the authority granted to it.”
“The Municipal Voting Law is ‘impermissible simply and solely for the reason that the Constitution says that it cannot be done.’ Though voting is a right that so many citizens take for granted, the City of New York cannot ‘obviate’ the restrictions imposed by the Constitution” wrote the court. MORE
All the adverts and trolls in the replys and now pop up advertisements are becoming too much.
Though I will never step foot in NYC I approve.
Yeah right! Now enforce it!
Giggle, snort, belch, fart…
Takes the state Supreme Court to declare the obvious: you are NOT a citizen of the state / country, no vote for you
Like it fucking matters. Pet hamsters can and do vote in NYC.
Imagine that, a New York Supreme Court that can actually read the Constitution of the United States of America. What’s next? Is a roundup of all the illegal aliens who have been electing the idiots who have practically destroyed New York City and the State of New York on the horizon? Not likely, but wouldn’t it be great to watch on MSNBC and CNN.
Democrats follow election laws to the letter! Likewise, the Constitution.
^^^ Yep one letter at a time, a very long time…