Nike’s Hidden Agenda – IOTW Report

Nike’s Hidden Agenda


(Saw this photo posted in the comments section of the article and thought it a good choice. Of course, use at your discretion). -Dr. Tar

Sundance explains the geopolitics behind Nike wrapping itself with Colin Kaepernick. The choice of representative has more to do with the company aligning itself with the Chicoms and the Norks than it does with BLM. They aren’t the only one using their company to communicate a stealthy anti-Trump message. More

20 Comments on Nike’s Hidden Agenda

  1. Pleased to say they lost me long ago when “Just Do It” became their slogan. Just do what? Are we to do NO thinking about what we are doing, don’t bother to mull over the morality of the act – Just Flippin’ Do IT?! Then this? Asinine.

  2. When your biggest customer are communists, it’s tempting to sell your country out to them.

    Zuckerberg, Nike and the rest of them seem happy to do it.

    When they’reach locked up by the American fascists they are helying to create, what Constitution are they going to run to for help?

  3. I will not buy Nike anything ever again and Levi Strauss can stick it as well. I haven’t worn Levi’s for probably 30-40 years or more, I prefer Wrangler, Lee jeans and Carhart over Levi’s. And they’re generally cheaper for the most part although Carhart’s are pricey but seem to last forever. and I don’t want my work blue jeans to be associated with a bunch of San Francisco faggots.

  4. They have become easier to spot. Spotted one 40 yards away pulling up in the parking lot. Saw a girl sprawled out in front of the hardware store smoking cigrits, with the Swoosh dangling from her feet as I drove up and said to myself, “There’s one!”

    Turns out she was a cashier. Complete with face tattoos, does not greet me, blurts out the price in a strange tone, does not say anything else. Qualifies for one of the ugliest I’ve seen to date. Total butch. Whoever hired her(?) is obviously not looking out for the better interest of the company.

  5. It’s a pretty stupid article. In short, all he’s saying is:
    “they’re doing this to *stick it* to Trump/trump’s trade policies.”

    I mean:
    1. DUH
    2. *great* way to cut off your nose to spite your face; let’s say they get their way and Trump’s policies don’t come to fruition…what then (financially speaking), considering that they’ve now permanently alienated (at least) half the USA?! This decision is a LOSE-LOSE for them, since the Chinese and muzzies ain’t gonna pick up the slack in their consumer goods.

    SunnyBoy is a good analyst, but I sure hope he and his sidekickc*nt Stella don’t go the way of Gateway Pundit with such clickbait.

  6. There was an interview with Orson Bean at Breitbart a few days ago. In it he said young people are graduating college after being brainwashed by marxist professors and they are making the marketing decisions at these companies. Then this came out and Levis anti gun plans. I think he made a valid point.

  7. I and most of my friends knew 43 years ago that Nike hated America. It clearly did not hurt their business. Another America hater that has done well for over 20 years is Starbucks, again most (not all by any means) admit Starbucks hates America as much as Nike. Nike is no longer being subtle in their hate. this latest move is clearly what we called “IN YOUR FACE” 40 years ago! Nike is loudly saying “We need a ‘kinder gentler America” What are you gonna do about it Deplorables?!”!

    As I type Nike stock had retaken 40% of the ground it lost yesterday.

    so are the Deplorables up to the Goodell/Nike challenge? What are ya gonna do about it?!?!@#!

  8. The logic in the article does not make sense. The U.S. is, by far, the global consumer of all things made by the rest of the world. If you can profit in the U.S. market, you are rich.

    According to Sundance, however, Nike would rather please their suppliers at the expense of their consumers. The Fraternal Order of Police has now called for a boycott! Why would they focus on making cheaper products that they can never sell!

    Sorry Sundance, this theory is a bit of a stretch. Besides, the SJWs monitor supply chain abuses, it’s one of their major causes. Sweatshop issues are their favorite (remember Kathy Lee Gifford?}

  9. I just watched the commercial that Nike is going to run with tomorrow night.
    And I fucking hate the idea that they are using this fucker but they are going to hit a home run with this.
    The commercial is perfection.
    And this coming from a guy who hasn’t owned a television in over 10years and hasn’t watched football since Tom Landry was fired from the cowgirls.
    Nike is Global and will not feel anything from this.
    Nothing. Will probably increase their bottom line.

    If you haven’t seen the commercial yet, dig around for it. It’s spreading like wildfire.
    Probably damage control from nike with an early release to stomp down the reaction.

    It’s gonna be a home run.

  10. TO an ol exjarhead

    WRONG about today’s market on NKE (Nike):
    they’re up only 0.4% today, after tanking over 3% (3.4%?) yesterday.

    In any case, it’s the longer-term “follow through” of the consumers/boycotters that really counts, not the day-to-day of Wall Street gamblers.

  11. “Kneeling Nike” overestimates the size of the freaks who like this crap. They have become Democrat Dumb by appealing to the socialist left in this country.

    Look how well this has worked out for the NFL, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Disney (ESPN, LucasFilm’s “The Last Jedi”), the New York Times, etc., etc., etc.

    Democrat Dumb started with Obama and it is the reason we have Trump.

  12. I’m sorry, but I have to laugh when someone calls an ad, particularly a TV commercial, particularly for overpriced athletic shoes, esp featuring a racebaiting fame hog “perfection”…and then urges me, rather than reading about current events, to go spend time looking it up on the computer to watch it.

    We get it. You’re an SJW, a Kaepernick fan, a race-baiter, or work for Nike. Regardless of any of the above, I’ve already wasted about 2 mins. typing this up, and that’s all I’m willing to spend on it.

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