Nikki Haley: Senate Is Just a ‘Privileged Nursing Home’ – IOTW Report

Nikki Haley: Senate Is Just a ‘Privileged Nursing Home’


After McConnell freeze-up, presidential contender says aging politicians need to know when to retire.

As whispers continue to circulate over the future of Mitch McConnell’s leadership following his second public freeze-up, Nikki Haley is saying out loud what she thinks about aging lawmakers, and when they should realize it might be time to pack it up on Capitol Hill. Appearing on Fox News’ The Story on Thursday, Haley said she thought the Senate minority leader has “done some great things, and he deserves credit,” but that “you have to know when to leave,” per the Hill. She noted that “no one should feel good about seeing” McConnell’s condition, “any more than we should feel good about seeing Dianne Feinstein, any more than we should feel good about … seeing Joe Biden’s decline.” She didn’t elaborate on what she meant on Biden.


10 Comments on Nikki Haley: Senate Is Just a ‘Privileged Nursing Home’

  1. Don’t forget Fedderman!

    What a joke clowngress is.

    At almost 80 years old, I’ve advocated to my children that at the first sign of dementia, disability, need of assisted living, run me for any US house in clowngress.

    Prop me up, in a house coat and slippers and let me rattle on about the issues and how I WILL REPRESENT my constituents.

    Oh, be sure I run as a demoncrat, transgender, great, great, great, great, grand daughter/son/whatever. I would be a shoe in!!!

  2. Does this mean Republicans as well? Mitch has a ays to go yet to meet up with Strom Thurmon.

    In September of 1964, Thurmond joined the Republican Party. He chaired the Judiciary and Armed Services Committees and was elected president pro tempore. He turned 100 years old in 2002, the only senator to reach that milestone while still in office.

  3. Not all seniors go to nursing homes. These few just try and hang on to power when they should be home bouncing a grandchild on their knee, except for pedo Biden, he needs be kept as far away from kids as possible.


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