Nobel Prize Winner Says Obama is Dead Wrong on Global Warming – IOTW Report

Nobel Prize Winner Says Obama is Dead Wrong on Global Warming

HT/ ReaganiteRepublican

Fox -In 2008, Dr. Ivar Giaever joined over 70 Nobel Science Laureates in endorsing Barack Obama for president, but seven years later the Nobel Prize winner now stands against the president on global warming.

“I would say that basically global warming is a non-problem,” Giaever, who won the Nobel for physics in 1973, told an audience at the Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting earlier this month.

Giaever ridiculed Obama for stating that “no challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change.” The physicist called it a “ridiculous statement” and that Obama “gets bad advice” when it comes to global warming.

“I say this to Obama: Excuse me, Mr. President, but you’re wrong. Dead wrong,” Giaever said.

Giaever was a professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s School of Engineering and School of Science and received the Nobel Prize for physics for his work on quantum tunneling. Giaever said he was “horrified” about the science surrounding global warming when he conducted research on the subject in 2012.



10 Comments on Nobel Prize Winner Says Obama is Dead Wrong on Global Warming

  1. Obama’s legislation/executive order has little to do with his concern for the planet. It’s all about the destruction of the evil America. Make a list of things you would do to tear down this country and compare it to his record. I’ll guarantee he’s thought of shit we haven’t. I hope Trump prosecutes the traitorous ass hole.

  2. My favorite sites with “real” research and research analysis on climate are:

    It’s good to check in with these sites, here and there, to refresh your sense of reality.

    The mainstream stuff is, increasingly, riddled with “adjusted” data, Statistics 101 analytical errors, and computer models which have failed and failed and failed.

    Today, it is worse than Lysenko. History will not be kind.

    ….Lady in Red

  3. This is what happened to Michael Crichton. He was doing research for a novel and started to dig into the science of global warming. What astonished him was that, far from science, environmentalism was a religion. As he did more research, the more the entire lie became unraveled. He realized that the environmentalist zealots had done zero research themselves and were just parroting talking points. He found nothing scientific about global warming. Being someone that was trained in the scientific method, it floored him that the “environmental scientists” were not using the scientific method either; they were just cow-towing to the gov’t interests that paid them. If the scientists / researchers had no idea from where their money came, they could be free of the agenda. That will never happen and I know that. Which is why gov’t should NEVER be spending money except on things that are in the Constitution.

    It’s strange to use the religious word epiphany in this context, but it applies. Dr. Giaever will soon discover the saying, “You know you’re over the target when you start getting flak.” Hunker down, Doc. The verbal shooting starts soon.

  4. Sadly, today, both religion and science have become anti-religions — cults! — having nothing to do with either God or science. Science is a cult of pigs fed at a trough of government funding for a pre-defined outcome, and religion has been supplanted by irrational dogma.

    It’s a strange strange world we live in Master Jack! No hard feelings, if….. ….smile…

    ….Lady in Red

  5. From the article: ““I say this to Obama: Excuse me, Mr. President, but you’re wrong. Dead wrong.”

    But, but, I thought the “science” was “settled”? As it has been pointed out to me: true science is NEVER settled. Otherwise it would not be true science.

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