NoKo Is Forcing Middle School Kids To Request Enlistment As Threat Of War Grows – IOTW Report

NoKo Is Forcing Middle School Kids To Request Enlistment As Threat Of War Grows

DC: North Korea is reportedly forcing middle school kids to sign petitions for enlistment into the military as the threat of war looms just over the horizon.

“I will volunteer to join the People’s Army to protect my country,” reads the petition that authorities are coercing young North Koreans to sign, reports Daily NK, citing sources in country. The North has been pressuring its youth, from middle school to university, to sign up for battle.  MORE

10 Comments on NoKo Is Forcing Middle School Kids To Request Enlistment As Threat Of War Grows

  1. Despots haven’t changed their tune in two thousand years and still get away with the same shit.
    People really ARE fukkin stupid.

    How is the Kim Dynasty any different from the Hohenzollerns, the Romanovs, the Castros, the Ortegas, or the Hanovers?

    Communists are nothing but Monarchists in disguise.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. TO organgrinder

    “Look, I hate the NORKS but exactly how is that so different from the draft American public school homo/BLM/antifa indoctrination?”

  3. This is how he holds power—by keeping the people more afraid of us than their deplorable living conditions. What better place to start than with the children.

  4. I doubt they are coercong the kids. It is a simple test of loyalty.Those who sign the petition love Dear Leader and have shown the proper respect and loyalty.Those that do not have ther entire extended family arrested and sent to a labor camp for the next three generations.

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