Now we’re in my wheelhouse. This is my strong suit, my forte… – IOTW Report

Now we’re in my wheelhouse. This is my strong suit, my forte…

MJA sent me a vocabulary test. I did pretty good, for a guy with a New Yawk accent. It starts easy, then slowly builds to some tough ones.

Take the test.


77 Comments on Now we’re in my wheelhouse. This is my strong suit, my forte…

  1. I thought I did OK with a rating of 6%. Then I saw your rating .12….I am ashamed. I shall never return to this site again (Self-Banishment-That’s Latin for GTFO). To atone for my ignorance, I shall vote for Hillary.

  2. 30325 .01%
    I admit I checked my guesses on the last five before I selected them.
    On the last ten I reached my answer by deduction. I did not know the answer at first glance.
    Is that cheating?
    I may have known many of these later words, but I would never use them, even in writing….too pretentious.

  3. 22350
    Should have paid more attention in my Orthography course.

    Wow, I am the plebeian amongst the literati.

    I’m comfortable, I’ve always learned from others.
    And who better to learn from than like minded, freedom and liberty loving IOTWReports commenters?

  4. I was feeling pretty smug about 29450 (0.23%) until scanning down the thread to post. Smiled at seeing “niggardly” as a choice to one question. Hey! you can’t say that!

  5. Out of curiosity, I went back and took the test again, but this time checking the words in my OED to see if there were any with meanings I was not familiar with. Nope, there were none of those. But what’s odd is that my second score was lower than my first one by a couple of hundred points. I don’t understand that.

  6. Just for kicks, I retook this thing and intentionally (maybe) choose all incorrect answers. I tested at the level of a 1 year old, with a “are you kidding?” kicker.

    Laugh all you want, but I am firmly ensconced at one end of the bell curve all by myself, while the rest of you are part of the herd at the top.

  7. 22650 – But I totally kicked ass on Jeopardy tonight! (I gloated the other night when I got the final “Brigham Young” and none of the contestants did.)

    I think at my age, I lose my train of thought after the 3rd syllable.


    “Niggardly” was one of the suggested answers.

    I got 29,800, but I may have had a couple of fat-fingered wrong answers. I might retake later using a stylus.

    At work I have a reputation for using “five-dollar words” in the free-text portion of the petitions I prepare. Once I was working with an Albanian interpreter who could not translate the word “abortifacient” because she didn’t know what it meant in English! I knew, from seven years of Latin (“abortio,” an ending, plus “facere,” to make).

  9. Hey, whatever your score, you probably did better than the average Hillary/Bernie supporter. At least you can read.
    The first time I took it I scored the same as a 12 year old child. Yeah right, a 12 old child from 1900 maybe when they actually taught English in Government schools. The second time I scored 22650. The only time I wear a white collar I when i go to weddings and funerals and at my age I don’t go to too many weddings anymore.

  10. I’d like to get a couple weasel words removed from our lexicon:

    Harass (when accent is on the first syllable, instead of the second, because the weasel speaker is afraid of being accused of saying ‘her-ass’)

    Conflate (I can’t put my finger on why, but this one has to go)

    Wait on (Unless one is literally waiting on tables as a waiter/waitress)

    Respect/Disrespect (Except when used properly as a noun, not a verb)

  11. For today’s slightly amusing story, I haven’t had sleep for 24+ hours, just took it again and scored slightly higher – 29800.

    Like that WKRP episode where Howard Hesseman took a test on-air measuring reaction time while getting hammered and his scores kept improving.

  12. I dun got a goot scour an top dog!
    Whadd I win?
    I fine it saltingly tribunal thet sum peeps jus can’t not do no betern than som ontrher peeps what aint’ so ggod ans others.
    This’d’a ben a big fukkin dela, but I wonit oall an yo’all suck!

    Septen for JohnS – acourse – heza jennious!
    seconal only ta me.

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