NPR Advises Twitter Followers To “Decolonize Their Bookshelves” – IOTW Report

NPR Advises Twitter Followers To “Decolonize Their Bookshelves”


According to NPR, “white voices have dominated what has been considered canon for eons.” The public broadcaster advises fans to begin “decolonizing your bookshelf” by removing the works of white authors. More

58 Comments on NPR Advises Twitter Followers To “Decolonize Their Bookshelves”

  1. I think I’ll deniggerize my bookshelf instead, since Alex Haley was proven a fucking fraud ages ago, and writers like Alice Walker and Toni Morrison are absurdly overrated entirely due to their race.

  2. This will never end until the United States it’s totally destroyed. Here’s an idea, how about everyone stop using things that were invented by white people. Obviously they were invented for racist purposes so we need to stop that too.

  3. I thought NPR was government supported…….

    Therefore had to believe and expouse “EQUALITY”……


    All Lives Matter…..If you don’t agree……you’re a racist.

  4. I collect old books about waterfowl hunting, deer hunting & wing shooting in general. Show me I book on that subject written by anyone other than white & I’ll buy it.If you can’t, stay out of my library, bitch.

  5. How about Moses? What about his books? I think there’s 5 of them.
    I’d like any of my tax money that npr received, to be refunded, please. I can put it to better use.

    this world is degenerating into what it has been before.

  6. Amazon, Hulu, NetFlix all have on the top of their watch lists every BLM themed show, movie or documentary that you should watch to make yourself a better person. It’s relentless and I don’t get how they don’t get that people will or have tuned this out.

    There are still protesters in Seattle. One group not affiliated with the current organizers are planning to protest next weekend.

    Yesterday as I was reading Twitter ( which behaved really weird all day) there was #TurnTexssBlue. Their goal was to register 2 million new voters. A bunch of Hollywood stars were promoting it. Yay! They reached 1million!

    Too much. I’ve decided to stay away from social media for my own peace of mind. I learned today that my silence on FB means I’m a racist?!? Not giving up iOTWr though! ❤️

  7. …the devil just repeats, that’s why he doesn’t want the kids to know history, they even said it in the terrible, woke new Star Wars trilogy for the slow kids…

    “Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to. That’s the only way to become what you were meant to be.” Star Wars IV

    …because Communism will work THIS time, you’ll see…

  8. Bad_Brad….He calls them “his dad’s hunting rifles”….apparently if the white male liberals hold them they become no longer assault style….

  9. I must now be an enemy of the state since I have a lot of books mostly written by whites and dead European males. There is no way in hell I will ever give up all of my books short of my death. Ray Bradbury was a prophet with his book Fahrenheit 451. We may all have to pick a book to memorize in order to keep any kind of wisdom and knowledge and literacy alive if this keeps up and become living books like in Fahrenheit 451. Or become like the Irish monks who saved civilization during the Dark Ages by keeping literacy and writing alive. If you can’t read or write you become easily manipulated by those who have power and will forget or not know the past and all its follies. I will not surrender to these damn book burners ever, they can kiss my lily white ass. It’s time to disconnect and live off of the grid and go underground if need be to save American civilization as we know it. Otherwise they will come for us next because we represent what America is all about about and they can’t stand that. Ask yourself who are the really ignorant, those who would destroy wisdom and knowledge or those who prefer to keep it.

  10. geoff the aardvark
    JUNE 7, 2020 AT 4:32 PM
    “Ray Bradbury was a prophet with his book Fahrenheit 451. We may all have to pick a book to memorize in order to keep any kind of wisdom and knowledge and literacy alive if this keeps up and become living books like in Fahrenheit 451.”

    …I got Tolkien, Josephus (more “The Jewish War”, less “Antiquities”), Caesar “The Gallic Wars”, the books of Daniel, Romans, Matthew, Luke, parts of the rest, and “Otello” in Spanish plus a bunch of other Shakespeare in English, as well as Romeo and Juliet in German (which is VERY weird, BTW, Deutsche Sprache doesn’t lend itself well to romance, but it does all the dead people at the end)…

    …but I’m not young, so let’s get this over with while I still have a memory to rewrite…

  11. So WTF do I do with my copy of John Howard Griffin’s “Black Like Me”?
    Maybe I could leave it in the window until it bleaches out…
    Until then, maybe we should simply defund NPR?

  12. Well, there goes their beloved Koran. When the Moslems find out they want to ban it their lives at NPR will get “interesting”.
    From WikIslam:
    “Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) moved in the narrow street of Khaibar (and we rode so close to each other in the street) that my knee touched the leg of Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him). (A part of the) lower garment of Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) slipped from his leg and I could see the whiteness of the leg of Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him). As he entered the habitation he called: Allah-o-Akbar (Allah is the Greatest)…
    Sahih Muslim 8:3325
    Ahmad ibn Abi Sulayman, the companion of Sahnun said, “Anyone who says that the Prophet was black should be killed.”
    Ibn Musa al-Yahsubi, Qadi ‘Iyad, p.375″
    AS FOUND AT: Qur’an, Hadith and Scholars:Muhammad’s White Complexion – WikiIslam

  13. Anonymous: According to NPR, Robert Ruark is out; Beto O’Rourke is in. One wrote books about adventurous outdoorsmen and the women that loved them; the other hasn’t written anything worth reading. Robert Ruark wouldn’t recognize the country that produced the counter jumping, arms flailing, skateboard riding doofus that Obiden Bama plans on putting in charge of taking away guns from American citizens. Robert Ruark will be on bookshelves long after Robert Francis O’Rourke is just a forgotten doofus.

  14. A small excerpt from TS Eliot’s poem Choruses From The Rock which is one of my favorite TS Eliot poems. Where is the life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? This is a very long poem and probably one of his better poems and full of incredible wisdom, it is very well worth reading in its entirety.

  15. A small excerpt from TS Eliot’s poem Choruses From The Rock which is one of my favorite TS Eliot poems. “Where is the life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? This is a very long poem and probably one of his better poems and full of incredible wisdom, it is very well worth reading in its entirety.”

  16. It’s Return of The Native not Return of the Primitive.

    Why do they think Chicoms like Shakespeare so much.

    Am I supposed to put a lot of deep meaning into reading circle, square, man with bird head and three wavy lines on a cave wall?

  17. Americans need to De-Paganize their bookshelves.

    Here are some good suggestions for authors and works to become familiar with:

    The Holy Bible (King James Version)
    Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis)
    Escape From Reason (Francis Shaeffer)
    A Christian Manifesto (Francis Shaeffer)
    How Should We Then Live? (Francis Shaeffer)
    The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict (Josh McDowell)
    Kingdom of The Cults (Walter Martin)
    Secular Humanism: The Most Dangerous Religion in America (Homer Duncan)
    Jesus Among Other Gods (Ravi Zacharias)
    Reinventing Jesus Christ; The New Gospel (Warren Smith: one of the most important books for our current time, free PDF to download)

  18. If I get rid of all of the white authors on my bookshelf all I’ll have left is Denish D’Souza and manga.

    Maybe BLAK authors need to write better fiction? I don’t see how I’m the problem here, NPR.

    You buy a book based on if you LIKE the story or whatever. Not because it was written by somebody who isn’t white.

    Do the idiots at NPR hate themselves or what?

  19. it is what they do
    it is their job- they get paid to do it
    they get the usual ‘vig’ and just got a bunch more from pelosi’s artwork in the corona bill.
    they’re spending that new money now, and in the favor of those who gave it

    should the word ‘stop’ be removed from the dictionary?
    It doesn’t seem to mean anything anymore.

  20. Our book shelves? One is filled with firearm, ballistics and cookbooks. Authors race and ethnicity unknown except for Chef Paul and Joy of Cooking Another is filled with my favorite cozy mysteries and race and ethnicity are unknown because that is not a criteria in selecting. Yet another is filled with almost everything by Erich Maria Remarque – OMG a German and a white man! Included are books on and by General Patton, Erwin Rommel, Heinz Guderian, Hans von Luck, Siegfried Knappe and on, a bloody bunch of white men. So TF what!

    Another book case is filled with mostly Southern writers and mostly Southern women whose race and ethnicity is unknown with a few exceptions. Ayn Rand is in there too OMG a freakin’white woman. The next book case is filled with craft, embroidery, sewing, quilting books again race and ethnicity unknown. Finally the last bookcase has more cozies and keto cookbooks plus gun magazines.

    &#!@(+^! effing bunch of loons. I read just about anything and everything. Should I demand to know the life history of the person who wrote the info on the back of a cereal box? Do SJW’s and leftists read? The common core educated? Seems to me their attention span is about 30 seconds. Stomping off to the deck to finish ‘Three Comrades’ by Remarque.

  21. Just reminded me to trash my copy of Moby Dick.

    Not because of the author but because my piece of shit ULTRA LEFT, soon to be Ex-sister in law, gave it to me!

    Then I can go out and buy myself a new copy that does not smell like lazy entitled ignorant bitch!

  22. I guess Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness” and “The Nigger of the Narcissus” have to be tossed in the bin if we are going to decolonize our bookshelves. Mark Twain’s “Huckleberry Finn” is definitely not anymore acceptable now than it was a few years ago, but “Tom Sawyer” is alright until we get more instructions from the uppity folks at NPR. Bookshelves Matter!

  23. The hypocrisy of the left is glaring. NPR just wants to “cancel” white authors who don’t support socialism/communist doctrine. Their brain dead audience are programmed to follow their lead.


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