NY Gov. Cuomo Becomes the Second Democrat to Praise President Trump’s Efforts to Fight the Coronavirus – IOTW Report

NY Gov. Cuomo Becomes the Second Democrat to Praise President Trump’s Efforts to Fight the Coronavirus

Redstate: Shortly before President Trump’s press conference on Friday afternoon, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, spoke to reporters about the drive-through coronavirus mobile testing center which had been set up in his state.

To his credit, he actually acknowledged Vice President Mike Pence and “especially” the President for their help.

Cuomo said, “I want to thank the Vice President and especially the President who facilitated this and moved quickly.”

The governor was the second Democrat to show his appreciation for President Trump this week. read more

7 Comments on NY Gov. Cuomo Becomes the Second Democrat to Praise President Trump’s Efforts to Fight the Coronavirus

  1. If Trump plays this right, if I understand what his strategy may be, he’s setting himself up to come out way ahead of the Democrats in November, the winner of the issue instead of the loser no matter how it turns out.

    If it develops into something really bad he wins because he took decisive action and kept the disaster mitigated. If it turns out to be a total farce of little consequence he wins because his decisive actions prevented it from becoming a serious threat to us.

    Either way he wins and the Democrats lose what they were trying to use as an effective tool to use against him in the election. They won’t be able to blame him for being ineffective and incompetent by not responding to an emergency.

  2. From what I have seen Trump is taking the actions he feels are in the best interest of the people, although the QE seemed pointless. He is listening to a lot of smart people and taking actions that are beneficial.
    A true leader knows that doing the right thing, vs. the pandering thing, leads to success at the polls.

  3. That’s funny…the clip of Cuomo they played on Fox News radio today was him blasting Trump for “leaving it up to the states to do their own thing”. I guess Cuomo’s bosses must have re educated him. On the other hand, Fox Radio is moving left faster than Fox TV.


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