NY Gov Cuomo to Trump: You Want to Deport Immigrants, Start With Me – IOTW Report

NY Gov Cuomo to Trump: You Want to Deport Immigrants, Start With Me

YES!!! Do it Do it Do it!!!

[BTW, he was born in Queens, NY]

Tuesday in New York City at a rally to promote Democrats taking back the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterm elections, Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) went after President Donald Trump’s immigration policies.

“You want to deport immigrants, start with me because I am an immigrant,” Cuomo declared. –

Video at Breitbart.

26 Comments on NY Gov Cuomo to Trump: You Want to Deport Immigrants, Start With Me

  1. Peckerhead Cuomo could become a ‘real immigrant’ by relocating to any number of 3rd world countries whose citizens think and act just like him!

    Bye bye, Cuemo! Bye bye, Cuomo! Bye, bye Cuomo, we aren’t going to miss you now!

  2. Too many morons in government that simply & stupidly refuse to see the difference between legal & illegal aliens.
    Frankly, I’m with Ann – let’s have a moratorium on ALL immigration and set our house straight first.

  3. How convenient. Now that he does not have cover in the Justice Department, investigators could make his life a living hell. If that evil Trump sends him packing, those worries would be over and he’d still be a free man. Can’t believe the Clinton’s didn’t think of this.

  4. “[BTW, he was born in Queens, NY]”

    What am I missing? Stupid is as stupid does
    And you don’t get much more stupid than this idiot. And people VOTED for this moron? Amazing. Illegal immigrant Appropriation

    Next he’ll be ‘appropriating’ being black.

  5. Send him to Russia. That would accomplish two things.
    1. We get rid of Cuomo.
    2. Proves trump is not Putin’s puppet.
    On the down side it may start WW 3. But hey, sometimes the rewards are worth the risk.

  6. Welcome to “Little California” (Formerly New York State). i have lived within its borders in the northern reaches of the state for nearly 60 years.

    This state is a place where about 3% of the landmass and just about half the population controls the entire state and as a result is running it into the ground. The similarities to California and Governor Moonbeam are too close to ignore.

    Emperor Cuomo issues his dictates almost daily with the lapdog media being sure to mention him by name for everything that emanates from Albany whether he had anything to do with it or not.

    Emperor Cuomo, son of the high exalted Major Domo Cuomo is seeking the presidency and has been pandering non stop since his theft of the governor’s seat here in NY….

    God help the nation if he succeeds.

  7. It’s just like gender: He says he’s a deportable immigrant, so he IS a deportable immigrant. Make him live by his own rules. Deport him. Just like girls’ locker rooms, it’s up to him to get back out.

  8. (Cue the mandolin music)
    I remember growing ah uppah a poor bambino in Catania justa aftah da war. I woreah my sisters shoes, but at leastah I haddah dah shoes. Every night was the same. Spaghetti Aglio olio. Oil and da garlicah.
    8 bambini living in a cardboard shackah.

  9. The voters of New York will buy his ticket to the Middle East for him when De Blasio’s Climate Change
    redistribution of the taxpayer funds kicks into high gear and siphons the money out of NY’s economy.

    Note to New Yorkers: Might I respectfully suggest transportation via Garbage Scow? It’s far more cost
    effective and totally appropriate for taking out the political trash.

  10. I always thought cuomo was retarded now I know for sure.

    of course the lap dogs didn’t have the balls to ask him, if he’s an immigrant what country he emigrated from did they ? eff the msm !

    if he’s an immigrant then he’s ineligible for the office isn’t he ?

    he is retarded.

  11. @CC June 7, 2017 at 9:52 am

    > Too many morons in government that simply & stupidly refuse to see the difference between legal & illegal aliens.

    Hey! Who’s been stealing my gubbamint checks?

  12. It’s all about optics with these liberal elites. Cuomo feels your pain, as long as your not conservative. If there were any real possiblity he would be deported as an “immigrant”, he would have every ivy league lawyer on the case and call in every favor owed to him to stay in the U.S.A. What a weasel.

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