NY Governor Vows to Sue Over End of DACA – IOTW Report

NY Governor Vows to Sue Over End of DACA


Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday reiterated his promise to sue over President Donald Trump’s decision to scrap a program shielding immigrants who came to the United States illegally as children from deportation.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions outlined plans to recind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program during a late morning news conference Tuesday, and gave Congress six months to come up with an alternative.

Just minutes after Sessions made the announcement, Cuomo tweeted that New York would stand with DACA recipients.

“We will not stand by as the lives of 42,000 New York Dreamers are destroyed,” the governor said.

DACA — passed under the Obama administration in 2012 — applies to those who entered the country illegally before their 16th birthday, who have attended school or joined the military and who have not committed any serious crimes. Participants receive a renewable two-year period of protection from deportation and eligibility for a work permit.


23 Comments on NY Governor Vows to Sue Over End of DACA

  1. Isn’t it interesting how elected officials have no clue about Article II, Section 3, Clause 5 of the Constitution, which Obama violated by creating DACA by executive order, and at the state level, or lower, immigration is not within their province. So Congress, if you don’t like it, do your job, but proceed towards your own peril come election day next year.

  2. I don’t think the Governor understands the issue of Standing in a law suit. A state has no standing in immigration issues which is the province of the Federal Government.

  3. What is the basis of the suit? Do I get to sue him for not wearing purple and green socks? I know he is an attorney and attorneys become millionaires by filing frivolous lawsuits, but doesn’t there have to be some semblance of a case for there to be a lawsuit?

    “Your Honor, we think it is wrong for the Federal Government to enforce the law as written and look out for the welfare of American citizens and legal residents before it worries about lawbreakers.”

  4. What’s needed is Bader-Ginsberg leave, whichever way is most convenient, and another actual real conservative (or should I just say law-abiding) Judge appointed to SCOTUS and the good Governor can go pound sand. You know it would be kind of interesting if the black community were to realize that there well may have been 42,000 jobs that could have been theirs had their hero Obama not broken the law. There could be 42,000 jobs still available if they took a stand. That’s not even counting the illegal’s that are here taking work. I wonder what the Guv would have to say if the black community started to push back hard.


    A President writes an ILLEGAL executive order, and the next President rescinds it, and he’s sued in court preventing him from doing so.

    How is this even legally possible?

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