NY Judge A Mess On The Bench – IOTW Report

NY Judge A Mess On The Bench

White Plains, NY recently gave Elizabeth Shollenberger a $175,000 salary with $65,000 in health care benefits judicial seat despite the fact that she’s too fat to walk the three steps up to the bench and has a history of soiling herself while holding court.


28 Comments on NY Judge A Mess On The Bench

  1. Call it political patronage or cronyism, that’s the way judges are appointed nationwide by the democrat party.
    If they have to run for office, they are “slated” by the party apparatus and funds are provided to win the election (after you contribute healthily to the Democrat party)….. it’s still political when you have to gain party slating to win. And they are beholden to tow the party agenda, progressive/socialism.

  2. According to the story she was deemed to be unable to complete her job and all her cases were taken away and none will be assigned to her for the foreseeable future. While the story didn’t mention it I’ll bet she’s still being paid, the perfect Democrat fairy tale ending. Oh, her hisband is apparently the chairman of the local Democrat Party and the Mayor that appointed her over the objections of the search committee needed his support to run for mayor again. Hell at least the NYPost got the story out.

  3. A non-racist form of Affirmative Action.
    Supposedly, this is the kind of thing that makes Affirmative Action OK.

    “See? It ain’t racist! It works for useless, ignorant, incontinent fat slobs, too!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. She needs a new tittie holder too. They’re dropping down to her knees. So I’m standing the a parking lot near a handicapped space. I was in a conversation with someone and this van pulls in to the handicapped spot. The fat ass woman starts yelling at me to MOVE, she wants to get her scooter out of the van. I told her she had plenty of room, I wasn’t in her way. She’s yelling at me to get the “F” out the way. I told her I wasn’t moving, I’m not in your space. I told her she had plenty of room to get her wheelchair out. She blurted out “IT’S A SCOOTER!” I told her it was a motorized wheelchair. I asked her if she could walk and she said NO! I said “well then, it’s a wheelchair!” I wouldn’t have said anything to her if she hadn’t of had Hillary For President stickers on her “scooter.” Funny thing was, she could move from the drivers seat of the vasn to the back of the van and plopped her butt into the “scooter.” The people I meet! Sheesh!

  5. “This is going to be a big problem for the taxpayers. It’s financially very irresponsible.”

    If that actually bothered the taxpayers, they’d never votes for Democrats. Now, would they?

  6. When did morbidly obese become a disability? In fact why are there so damn many of them? I see these assholes all the time at Wallyworld. Where were they all when I was a kid in the 50s and 60s?

  7. You know the nearer your destination
    the more you’re slip sliding away

    After court is dismissed do firefighters run in and hose her down? Damn, I’d love to see a spoof of that. But media is controlled by creatures who hold humor in contempt.

  8. pulmonary hypertension. translates to “she’s so fat that breathing makes her short of breath.”

    The good thing is when she wheels her O2 tank in, the jury can take hits off it to survive her funky diarrhea.

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