NYC let dozens of criminal illegals go free – IOTW Report

NYC let dozens of criminal illegals go free

Breitbart: New York City led this week’s report from immigration officials for having released the highest number of criminal aliens under a detainer. The report covers detainers issued on February 4-10.

The Declined Detainer Outcome Report released on Wednesday by U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials stated that out of 73 immigration detainers issued to law enforcement officials in New York City, officials released 12 accused criminals.

These illegal aliens are facing charges in New York City for crimes including assault, larceny, burglary, and sexual assault.


5 Comments on NYC let dozens of criminal illegals go free

  1. even steven; this is why I don’t believe in karma or in “what goes around, comes around.” If karma was real there would be no democrats with 30 year careers in gov’t. If karma was real pres obuttcrack would’ve been impeached. If karma was real these aholes would be the victims of their idiocy and not us.
    If karma was real perverts would be dying of the plague by the thousands. If karma was real muslims would have been wiped out by now. And on and on.

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