Obama Is Not Welcomed in Roseburg After Politicizing the Tragedy – IOTW Report

Obama Is Not Welcomed in Roseburg After Politicizing the Tragedy

roseberg or resident

IS— Barack Obama and his ilk are using the tragedy in Oregon to attack the Second Amendment. His argument is completely illogical but people are so desperate to stop these horrific murders that they will buy into it without truly thinking about the impossible logic of eliminating every gun and the illegal gun trade. They won’t consider that the gun grabbers will go after knives next as former NYC mayor Mike Bloomberg did during his reign.

The people of Roseburg will not go along with Obama’s agenda. This is one tragedy he won’t be able to fully exploit.

The Roseburg Beacon publisher David Jaques says Obama is not welcome after his comments politicizing the shooting death of nine people at Umpaqua Community College. more

5 Comments on Obama Is Not Welcomed in Roseburg After Politicizing the Tragedy

  1. The Libs won’t quit until the government has all the guns, knives, gasoline, rocks, sticks, slingshots, and rope.

    If we let them, we’ll be left quivering and naked, lucky even to have a plastic spork at our disposal so we can slop up our bowl of Soylent Green.

    I, for one, say fuck that.

  2. I recently read a terrific analysis that pointed out, quite correctly, that liberals aren’t really against guns. They’re against ordinary citizens having guns. They are perfectly content for the government to have all the guns. It’s a wonderful utopian idea, because as history has taught us so well, governments are always benevolent and situations where the government has all the guns and the sheeple are unarmed never, ever, ever goes badly.

  3. When the gun debate comes to the point of “if it just saves the life of a single child” my response has always been “start with disarming all of the police and you will spare the life of at least 1 child.” To which the arguments runs out of steam on their end.
    I think the reality of the world they are asking for tends to sink in at that point.

    My response to that what they would say to ‘disarming the police if I ever get a response would be “after we are done disarming the police then we can talk about disarming you and your friends (and by your friends I mean the criminal element you F’ing Libtard). Once you and your friends are all disarmed we can talk about my guns and the fact that you don’t have any and about the whims of human nature and the corruption of power and if its bad for me to have that kind of unchecked power why is it good for the government to have that kind of unchecked power?

    And with that little thought experiment thus ends the debate. Well, maybe. Its been along time and to be honest I’m not 100% logic and reason will work on an Obama voter. All the more reason to keep my ability to share hot lead with unwashed masses who might decide to actually follow through with either the teachings of Marx or the Koran.

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