Obama Makes Surprise Appearance at WH Dinner Honoring President of His Home Country – IOTW Report

Obama Makes Surprise Appearance at WH Dinner Honoring President of His Home Country

Just the News

Former President Obama on Thursday night made an unannounced appearance at the White House state dinner for Kenya President William Ruto and first lady Rachel Ruto.

Obama, father was born in Kenya, reportedly met with Ruto earlier in the day. He attended a reception prior to the official state dinner and stopped into the dinner area briefly, according to CNN.

Obama was not listed on the initial state dinner guest list released by the White House. More

8 Comments on Obama Makes Surprise Appearance at WH Dinner Honoring President of His Home Country

  1. “Did they serve dog?”

    LBS, I reckon we’ll have to wait for the President of Indonesia to visit. Although Barkah Soetoro might not show up for that dinner, what with that pesky BC/citizenship thing still…dogging him.

  2. General Malaise;
    American politicians/elitists (spit) have been responsible for a huge amount of suffering in the world all because “we know what’s best for you (them)”.

  3. You know Ferd, likewise I used to hate that show called “Father knows best.”

    Father doesn’t necessarily know best. But if you’re lucky, he does, most of the time! 🙂


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