Obama Says He Will Veto Any Budget That Doesn’t Increase Spending – IOTW Report

Obama Says He Will Veto Any Budget That Doesn’t Increase Spending

The man is a moron.


Our economy is shrinking and he wants to increase spending. This is a recipe for disast…..

Ohhhhh, I get it now.


15 Comments on Obama Says He Will Veto Any Budget That Doesn’t Increase Spending

  1. Obama will pay for his sins against America and Israel on this side of existence. The Founding Fathers on the other side await him with brickbats. I TRULY believe that our Founders were smart enough not to let one man and his demonic followers ruin America. SEMPER FI MOFOS!

  2. “Well, at least he’s staying consistent with destroying America.”

    But why? Whats to be gained? does the hate for being born run that deep? I want to know the answers truthfully from this asshole. Hopefully we will learn these secrets after he’s charged with treason.

  3. moe is right

    there are enough months left for significant damage

    i used to think incompetent, but now believe that he may be part of the biggest flim flam ever played against america

    it will be hell recovering from this complete disaster

    I wish it were legal to say how I really feel

  4. Wish he was as stupid as he looks. Barry is intentionally creating a recipe for disaster. He knows the weaker America gets, the easier it will be to establish a socialist and ultimately a communist state.

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