Obama Was A Believer in Autism/Vaccination Link – IOTW Report

Obama Was A Believer in Autism/Vaccination Link


President Barack Obama called the science behind vaccinations “indisputable” on Monday, but he was not always such a staunch believer in getting children vaccinated.

We’ve seen just a skyrocketing autism rate,” Obama said in April 2008 at a rally in Pennsylvania. “Some people are suspicious that it’s connected to the vaccines. This person included.”

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11 Comments on Obama Was A Believer in Autism/Vaccination Link

  1. The British doctor that wrote the paper making the link between autism and vaccines “indisputable” was paid by the solicitor that was suing a pharmaceutical company for parents that believed the propaganda when their child became autistic. The doctor later recanted and admitted that his “medical research” was a lie based on payola and his medical license was revoked.

    It’s Bullshit. (NSFW)

  2. The science of immunization is settled but whether or not the actual vaccination shots have adverse effects on our kids is not settled.

    Just look at Gardasil and what that shit has done to so many girls.

    I know a perfectly healthy 15 year old kid who got a final round of vaccines and within a matter of days developed a near fatal case of Crohns. Coincidence? I think not.

    There is something wrong with vaccines (not immunization). I learned about immunizations in grade school like anyone else did. Paralysis and Crohns and (possibly) Autism wasn’t ever mentioned as part of it.


  3. The littlest Manderin is getting another round of vaccines today. Shoot up a little prayer on her behalf that the shot isn’t too painful. I’ve been on prayer overload with that one since the measles outbreak that I forget to pray for my own shortcomings. You all can pray for that too.

  4. Not so fast. Even the CDC says that there is a statistically significant correlation between autism and vaccination in some circumstances. They also admit to improperly omitting that information from a paper published last year.

    Story here .

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