Obama’s Former Legal Counsel Takes Stand In His Own Defense – IOTW Report

Obama’s Former Legal Counsel Takes Stand In His Own Defense

Courthouse News Service

A powerful Washington lawyer facing charges spun off from the Mueller probe testified in his own defense Wednesday, telling federal jurors that his work on behalf of Ukraine never crossed the line into foreign lobbying.

Taking the stand two weeks into trial — after a dozen government witnesses teeming with his former Skadden Arps law firm colleagues — Greg Craig smiled sunnily at the jury box as he recounted the investigation he undertook in 2012, working out of Kiev and Washington on behalf of the Ukrainian government.

In those days, Ukraine was controlled by President Viktor Yanukovych with the Party of Regions, a pro-Kremlin political organization that secretly paid the now-convicted former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort millions to lobby on its behalf in the United States. More

3 Comments on Obama’s Former Legal Counsel Takes Stand In His Own Defense

  1. Testifying in your own defense is usually not the best of ideas since it opens you up to cross examination and questioning under oath you would otherwise not have to face.

    It’s been the downfall of many defendants who thought it was going to make them look pure and show their innocence when the resulting cross examination of their testimony did the opposite.


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