Ocean acidification: yet another wobbly pillar of climate alarmism – IOTW Report

Ocean acidification: yet another wobbly pillar of climate alarmism

A paper review suggests many studies are flawed, and the effect may not be negative even if it’s real.


Spectator:  There was a breathtakingly beautiful BBC series on the Great Barrier Reef recently which my son pronounced himself almost too depressed to watch. ‘What’s the point?’ said Boy. ‘By the time I get to Australia to see it the whole bloody lot will have dissolved.’

The menace Boy was describing is ‘ocean acidification’. It’s no wonder he should find it worrying, for it has been assiduously promoted by environmentalists for more than a decade now as ‘global warming’s evil twin’. Last year, no fewer than 600 academic papers were published on the subject, so it must be serious, right?  more

3 Comments on Ocean acidification: yet another wobbly pillar of climate alarmism

  1. Well, according to Algore, we should be already dead. Either frozen to death, burned to death, or drowned. FFS ! I’m havin’ another Johnney Walker Red on the rocks with a dash of club Good night guys.

  2. I had the great pleasure to dive in the Great Barrier Reef. It’s gorgeous. Not being a scientist, the coral looked pretty damn healthy to me but what do I know? The stars at night were magnificent too.

    The downside were my companions on board-I had to listen to global warming bullshit for 3 days and 2 nights. Absolutely nothing would staunch their fevered notions. One guy said man has killed more species than any other thing in history and soon the planet would be barren but for cows and people. Oy vey.

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