Ohio: Gov. Son of Mailman gets his veto overturned – IOTW Report

Ohio: Gov. Son of Mailman gets his veto overturned

DC: Ohio Republican Gov. John Kasich’s veto opposing a bill for gun owners’ rights was overturned by the Republican-led state legislature Thursday.

The state House first voted to overturn Kasich’s veto on the bill, which makes it easier for off-duty police officers to access guns and also changes laws regarding self-defense cases. The state Senate then voted later, 21-11, turning down Kasich’s veto on the legislation, The Associated Press reported.

The bill was heavily supported by pro-gun groups in the state that pushed lawmakers to overturn the veto.

The Republican governor also vetoed a bill banning abortion if an unborn baby has a heartbeat, known as the “heartbeat bill,” which was voted on Thursday as well. However, the Senate failed to overturn Kasich’s veto.  MORE HERE



16 Comments on Ohio: Gov. Son of Mailman gets his veto overturned

  1. The veto resolution was referred to in chambers as the, “We’ll be primaried right out of our positions of power and prestige if we don’t, Emergency Measure.”

    That hits them right in the graft.

  2. It’s too bad they didn’t go 2 for 2 and show Kasich he’s not the wonderboy republican loved by the left anymore and that he has to contend with an adversarial state senate that now realizes they have the power to neuter him.

  3. Kasich is a KaSick son of a bitch.
    That’s what he is.
    A heartbeat means life you vile demon turd, I hope that the usps destroyed all of your Christmas deliveries. >:[

  4. Just remember this is the same dumb bastard who lied and denied about his traffic ticket and called the polite Police officer an “idiot” until the dash-cam video came out and forced him to admit it and apologize to the officer. Oh and this is the same dumb bastard who signed the Republican Loyalty Pledge to support the Republican nominee, who ever it was, and then told us on national television that he would indeed support Donald Trump. Then we watched this dumb bastard renege on both promises as well as his embarrassing shit-show of begging the Republicans to have their convention in Cleveland and then not showing up. This dumb bastard has demonstrated beyond any doubt that both his signature, his word and his words mean absolutely zip, zero, nothing! This dumb bastard is just a vindictive, pathetic liar. He is navel lint. He is nothing more than a worthless, gutless welch who is simply not qualified to hold public office let alone the public trust!

  5. @TRF
    Being an Ohioan, I concur (as do must folks from Ohio).
    Will Dewine be any better….? Time will tell, but his US House and US Senate voting records don’t speak well for conservatism in Columbus.

  6. @cato:
    “Being an Ohioan, I concur (as do must folks from Ohio).
    Will Dewine be any better….?”

    As a fellow Ohioan, I believe we’re in for a bad four years under Dewine, sad to say.

    As for Kasich, AMF!

  7. Why do so many people take all the trouble to vote and yet spend no time learning the issues or candidates? I don’t understand why but I do know its why we wind up with complete assholes like him.


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