On a street in Ohio, defiant Democrats flock to Trump – IOTW Report

On a street in Ohio, defiant Democrats flock to Trump

CBS: STRUTHERS, OHIO — On a recent Saturday, standing in her driveway, Halle Minchin Skook could not fathom why her neighbor was pissing on Youngstown’s Democratic tradition and voting for Donald Trump this election cycle.

“He literally pees out his window,” Skook said, gesturing toward the house next door on Como Street, occupied by a Trump backer.

The 26-year-old special education teacher at Struthers Middle School didn’t even want to mow the strip of grass between her home and that of her neighbor.

“The stench of urine on the grass is awful,” her mother piped in.

Standing in the driveway outside her hunter green wood paneled childhood home where she still lived, Skook was scornful of the following that Trump has developed in Struthers, a traditionally Democratic stronghold in the heart of working class Mahoning County, along the eastern flank of Ohio.

“I don’t understand how any educated person who watches all of the political things on TV can vote for him,” Skook complained. “He’s getting nuclear launch codes if he gets elected. He would just blow up somewhere. I just don’t see him being a good leader.”

In  case it wasn’t already clear, Skook is voting for Hillary Clinton.

But here on Como Street in Struthers, where CBS News spent a recent weekend knocking on every door on the block, Skook was in the minority. All around her, the community was ditching their Democratic roots and flocking to Trump.

Paul Sracic, who has lived in the area for years and is chair of the department of politics and international relations at Youngstown University, described Trump’s “blue-collar billionaire” identity as the perfect cocktail to attract onetime Democrats here.

“They know he’s not really a Republican, and that Mitt Romney hates him, so that helps,” Psaric said of the voters in his community. “So instead it’s like, ‘I’m not becoming a country club Republican, I’m a part of Trump’s party.’”


14 Comments on On a street in Ohio, defiant Democrats flock to Trump

  1. Ok everyone. What is “playing cornhole”?? As in the article, “while a man in a Pittsburgh Steelers jersey was busy playing corn hole with friends and watching football.”

    WTH do you Steeler fan perverts do during a game?

  2. Halle Minchin Skook must be an NEA Union member.
    One of the Government jobs that are never ended, unlike everything else in Youngstown
    Youngstown was once a blue collar mecca of industry, jobs and growth.
    The democrats and their policies took care of that, it’s an unemployment and welfare mecca now. If you are in the market to buy a $75,000 home for $$25,000 to $30,000, Youngstown is a place you need to buy…… there are still a bunch of good people there but don’t expect to find a job.

    Halle, put down the Kool-Aid and see the truth about The Corrupt Enterprise of the Clinton & Democrat crime family.

    If she were my neighbor I’d be pissing in her yard, just as the Democratic party has done to this nation.

  3. Why do these Democrat morons think that Trump can launch a nuclear attack on his own? Are these people really that friggin stupid? I read this all the time on liberal/democrat/progressive websites or even some of the news sites.

  4. scr_north. These assholes don’t understand the Constitution, why would you expect them to understand military protocol? At this point in his rein, oblowme is a dangerous motherfucker. I just hope Congress
    can control him ’till Trump takes over.

  5. @Charlie Walksonwater, “corn hole” is kinda like horseshoes, except you aim at rectangular sheets of painted plywood (approx 2′ X 3′) with a hole toward the one end. Basically, it’s a bean bag toss, but the bag is usually filled with dried corn kernels. HOWEVER, you are correct in your assumption about Pittsburgh Steelers fans. They are performing that other “act” that the term “cornhole” is known for on each other constantly. It’s hard to blame them when you see the “women” in Pittsburgh.

  6. @CharlieWoW ~ ‘Cornhole’ a game we used to play, as children, commonly known as ‘Beanbag’ … basically now just ‘Horseshoes’ for pajama boys… & waddaya expect from Steeler fans? … they root for a serial rapist quarterback!

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