On The Ground With The Biden Harris Campaign In Arizona – IOTW Report

On The Ground With The Biden Harris Campaign In Arizona

The AZ Central covered the joint campaigning of Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Harris in Arizona on Thursday as your standard schedule of appearances. Here

On the ground outside one of the gatherings for the democrat presidential hopefuls it was quite a different story, one that seemed to only be missing the tumble weed rolling down the deserted streets of Phoenix. Watch

23 Comments on On The Ground With The Biden Harris Campaign In Arizona

  1. One cannot parody this campaign. It’s stupid on stilts. With a rubber chicken stapled to it forehead.

    Have you ever in your life seen such a colossal assembly of misfit moronic thumb sucking crybabies banging their spoons on their highchairs?

  2. I think they may be taking this social distancing thingy a bit too seriously. There must be hundreds of Harris-Obiden supporters somewhere in Arizona who would turn out for free chips and salsa. You would think that Cindy McCain could have thrown in a couple of kegs of beer from her family’s beer distribution business. How about a piñata? Boxing midgets? Nude pole dancers? Anybody got any ideas to get the crowds up to at least fifty people?

  3. we gotta be in a computer simulation
    there’s some guy/alien or something watching and taking notes on a clipboard. Gotta be.
    actually, what they’re doing is hiding, not exposing them to the public. “They are on their bus right now, and can’t be reached.” WTF. They started out their drive in the desert, a thousand miles from other population centers. No one goes to see them in big cities, so they’ll avoid them and shuffle to less populated areas. And kill time, ‘waiting for the mail.’
    And msm will explain how they are “TOURING THE COUNTRY, WINNING THE HEARTS OF THE PEOPLE.” That’ll be marketed.
    They’re hiding in a bus in the middle of the desert.
    OK. makes no sense to me, unless-
    they are literally ‘waiting for the mail’

    also, I wonder just how many beds are on that bus.

  4. Does this bus have ‘no malarky’ written on it?
    If it doesn’t, why not? (That was his campaign slogan at his big launch).
    If it does, then it is a false statement, as mr. malarky himself is on the bus.

  5. Pocahontas and Bernie are campaign surrogates, and nobody is showing up to see them either. What about Buttigieg, Klobuchar and some of the other losers? What about Hillary? Barky? Man, they really are depending on vote fraud. Probably wrote off 2020 and just raking in the donor cash instead. Pretty much zero effort, zero expenses.

  6. Has anyone seen oblowme out stumping for Biden? How about San Fran Nasty? Schumer? Nadler? Anyone from the corner offices at all?

    10K at Blexit/BacktheBule at the WH this weekend
    30K at the Latinos for Trump car rally in Miami this weekend

    So many flotillas, car rallies and even the Amish, that conservative websites aren’t even trying to ID where they’re at anymore!

    Best line at Blexit from Brandon Tatum: “They (the commie Left) wants to cheat? Well, we’ll just run up the score!”


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