One Of Obama’s Ambassadors To Afghanistan Questions Biden’s Ability To Govern – IOTW Report

One Of Obama’s Ambassadors To Afghanistan Questions Biden’s Ability To Govern


The fall of Afghanistan has shocked Obama’s former ambassador to such a degree that he is now questioning President Joe Biden’s ability to lead the nation.

Speaking with The Spokesman-Review, Ryan Crocker, who served as Obama’s ambassador from 2011 to 2012, lamented that the Biden administration failed to see the Taliban’s swift takeover when preparing for the withdrawal from Afghanistan. More

12 Comments on One Of Obama’s Ambassadors To Afghanistan Questions Biden’s Ability To Govern

  1. C’mon man you won’t remember this next week after I declare martial law to reduce covid exposure.

    It’s all Trump’s fault anyway…damn the man he’s worse than Corn Pop. Maybe I’ll start calling him Orange pop.

  2. It’s all part of the plan.
    Biden gets thrown under the bus, he doesn’t have a clue what day it is. Probably has an ankle bracelet and alarms on the doors, so he can’t wander off.

  3. wow, an inside source with a name telling how bad it is. Trump was actually impeached twice for less with nameless sources.

    where are the headlines/every quarter of the hour updates on such devastating allegations?

    oh. yah. the MSM picked Biden so they will cover the best they can. odds are when the sec slavery starts in Afghanistan the press will be on to something so.e Republican said or did.


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