Oregon Gov. Took Last-Minute Donation From Contractor With $444 Million At Stake – IOTW Report

Oregon Gov. Took Last-Minute Donation From Contractor With $444 Million At Stake

DC: Oregon’s governor received a last-minute political donation from the president of a company that raked in $1 billion from taxpayer-funded contracts and has nearly $444 million at stake, an investigation uncovered.

Phil Fogg, CEO and President of Marquis Companies – an Oregon-based provider for assisted living, rehab and Alzheimer’s facilities – donated $5,000 to Kate Brown two days before she was elected governor, Oregon campaign data shows. That was Fogg’s only donation to the 2016 gubernatorial race.

Marquis holds 10 contracts worth nearly $444 million that are set to expire during the Democratic governor’s term, contracting data obtained by the nonprofit watchdog group Open the Books shows.  more

10 Comments on Oregon Gov. Took Last-Minute Donation From Contractor With $444 Million At Stake

  1. $5000?
    Chump Change.

    The Clinton Foundation wouldn’t even send you a Thank You Note.
    For a $Billion he would be donating $15 to $20 Million to the Clinton’s (and that’s after they cut you a deal).

    Note: the Clinton’s are above question, the corrupt elite are free as a bird.
    Where’s the FBI and the non-partisan, professional james comey? Still popping porn sites?

  2. Start a recall petition. She didn’t have an overwhelming sweep in 2016 winning with 52%. The GOP candidate 43% with 5% going to nuisance candidates (Independent 2%, Constitution 1% and Libertarian 2%). If those can be convinced to stay out of the race maybe the Republicans can force another election. Hell, if the Dems and Soros can do far worse at a national level why can’t conservatives take a crack at lefty governor.

  3. Oregon…no one is surprised. I should know, my name used to be JBinPDX. Happily no longer, four years now. I don’t miss it a bit, the place is awful now.

    And to Lance Boile, I’m dying over your name.

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