300 Islamic State Jihadists Trap Themselves Through ‘Tactical Mistake’
Breitbart: BAGHDAD — Besieged Islamic State militants in the Iraqi city of Ramadi destroyed a lock on the Euphrates River that served as a bridge as government forces on Thursday [Read More]
Progressive Analysis of Data
ht. plutoniumfield
I’m Confused
ht/ rspeirs
Lindsay Graham Says Conservative Voters Have an Irrational Hatred of Obama
Graham comes to the aid of Obama, saying that his constituency has a visceral dislike for Obama that is irrational. When is he going to come out of the closet? The [Read More]
Parliamentary Petition to Close U.K. Borders and Halt Immigration Already at 450K
CFP: A parliamentary petition to stop all immigration and close the U.K. borders until ISIS is defeated is now at 450,000 signatures and growing. The petition was started by a [Read More]
Remember the Texas Guy Whose Truck Ended Up With ISIS?
DM– A plumber in Texas said his life was ruined after a photo of jihadis shooting an anti-aircraft gun from a pickup truck displaying his company’s decals went viral last [Read More]
We Can End Stupid Celebrity Cause Videos
Newsbusters: Americans are infatuated with celebrities, but unfortunately for the Left, that love doesn’t translate into a popular landslide for the liberal point of view. Celebrity millionaires love to pose [Read More]
University of Tennessee at Knoxville: Holiday Guidance Removed
InsideHigherEd: The University of Tennessee at Knoxville has withdrawn the controversial guidance on holiday parties that infuriated Republican politicians, who demanded that the campus chancellor, Jimmy Cheek, be fired and [Read More]
Gun control is racist
Via Frugal Cafe
NYC Judge Sworn in On the Koran
Free Republic is reporting that a newly elected Muslim judge in Brooklyn has been sworn in on the Koran. Video of her being sworn in HERE
Georgia: Two (more) Afghan military trainees disappear
Creeping Sharia: Air Force officials say the Department of Homeland Security has taken the lead role in the search for two Afghan men who disappeared while training with the U.S. [Read More]
Judge who became a progressive national heroine after outlawing racial profiling is victim of home invasion
She didn’t see it coming. She ran a mile in the woods barefoot to get help. Her husband’s back and pelvis were broken. More at Gateway. ht/ bitterclinger
A Nation of Cowards: Schools Are Now Afraid Of Pictures Of Guns
BearingArms: Lewis County is one of the least populated and most rural counties in New York, and has a strong outdoor tradition of hunting and fishing. Recently a 2nd grader [Read More]
Ex-Muslims Turned Christian Storm Church and Shout At Parishioners That They Are Doing It Wrong
So, this is the way middle-east Christians do Christianity? We might want to think twice about letting the Syrian CHRISTIANS in. STORY WITH VIDEO