IOTW Report – Page 7021

Johnny Baster Seed

Sunday, 8 November 2015, 19:00 Dr. Tar 12

A girl discovers she has 48 half-siblings and rather than celebrate father’s day she holds an annual “sperm donor sibling” reunion to get to know the relatives.   The man of [Read More]

Tweet of the day!

Sunday, 8 November 2015, 18:46 Mr.Pinko 6

@ProgsToday tweets: #KneepadMSM scoffs at @realDonaldTrump claim that he’ll make Mexico pay for a wall, all the while he makes #MSM pay for his campaign!

Matt Maher

Sunday, 8 November 2015, 17:35 BFH 29

Someone sent this to me and said “I hope you listen to it.” I did, over and over.

Sigh, Canada

Sunday, 8 November 2015, 16:00 MJA 6

Half Of The New Canadian Cabinet Members Chose To Skip “So Help Me God” In Their Oaths Of Office.

Good News and Bad News

Sunday, 8 November 2015, 15:20 BFH 29

Here’s the bad news- Here’s the good news-

Carson fundraising off liberal media smears

Sunday, 8 November 2015, 13:00 MJA 3

We the People have made 10,000 donations each day this week, raising $3.5M this week alone. Thank you biased media. — Dr. Ben Carson (@RealBenCarson) November 7, 2015 Story Here

Secret Service For Carson and Trump

Sunday, 8 November 2015, 12:00 MJA 7

The Secret Service will now be providing Republican presidential front-runners Donald Trump and Ben Carson with protection, following a number of threats made to both candidates.  more @ BuzzPo

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