Update – Mr. Mxyzptlk
Dear Mr Hat, I am humbled by the response from the members of IOTWreport, but I’m not surprised. I no longer feel alone . . . I can feel the [Read More]
A Big Fat Shaming Video
Purported comedienne, Nicole Arbour, stirred the furies of the internet by posting a 6 minute routine on the need for Fat Shaming. It received millions of hits, but plenty of complaints, so [Read More]
What If Time Was Used to Value Money?
George Gilder proposes we should go back on the Gold Standard. Not because of gold’s intrinsic value, but because the TIME it takes to mine and refine gold is a known value. Rather [Read More]
Trump says he will close the border and deport undesirables – Why am I not supposed to vote for that?
Closing the border and tossing out undesirables is the most attractive selling point a candidate could offer me in 2016. People are going to have to do a lot better [Read More]
Multiculturalism will be monoculturalism as soon as Muslims become the majority
Moonbattery – Life will not be pretty for Europeans after Muslims make them a minority in their own land. Already, this is what Englishmen risk by venturing into Muslim sectors [Read More]
Confused… don’t know who to root for…
nsfw – video shows topless women- and Muslims kicking them.
What do you get a woman like Caitlyn for her birthday?
A coupon for a free prostate exam?
Nazi War Train on Radar?
Two men have stepped forward to formally claim they have found a train loaded with valuables that was hidden by the Nazi at the close of WWII. They have published two [Read More]
The Human Slingshot
Let us know if you’ve tried this. And please tell us about your injuries.
Polish Politician Warns About Importing Human Garbage
Listen, stupids. There is such a thing as human garbage (despite what weepy progs tell you.) If you’re importing human garbage into your country you will eventually have a garbage [Read More]
Because stupid people are so much easier to control
PatriotRetort: The Daily Caller had a story yesterday evening that the State of California will be retroactively issuing high school diplomas to every student who flunked out from 2004. If [Read More]
“It terrifies me to think we have a president who knows so little history, American and world, that he would use race to divide a people.”
California Climate Mutiny!
Democrats side with Republicans to defeat Jerry Brown.