Bosch Fawstin On the True Nature of the Islam
I found this on the Twitter feed for Politics and Humor and found it an interesting read. Self- described recovering Muslim Bosch Fawstin explains that there is no moderate Muslim or [Read More]
I found this on the Twitter feed for Politics and Humor and found it an interesting read. Self- described recovering Muslim Bosch Fawstin explains that there is no moderate Muslim or [Read More]
Snatched from a comment by PUTTIN MY TOOTS SENSE IN on “So STFU” post by Fur. Click for video
CalWatchdog- […] Part of the rationale for increasing fees, instead of simply dialing up gas taxes, has centered around the growing popularity of hybrid and electric vehicles in California [Read More]
Unless you happen to be white and in the “wrong hood bitch.” More I did a little digging around on the internet to see if there was more on this [Read More]
PatriotRetort– In a desperate attempt to maintain the appearance of being a viable candidate, the wife of a rapist is accusing her Republican opponents of being anti-women. Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!! I wonder [Read More]
MSNBC scaled back its coverage of the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina because Brian Williams “misremembered” that he saw a dead body float past his hotel while he was there.
Can’t you feel the sidewalk’s weakness? It’s hard to believe that you couldn’t feel that this sidewalk wasn’t solid and was a bit flimsy.
NY Post- WASHINGTON — The Associated Press sued the US Department of Justice Thursday over the FBI’s failure to provide public records related to the creation of a fake news [Read More]
Usain Bolt taken out by dummy Segway user.
WSJ– Texas Sen. Ted Cruz may be struggling to beat Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential campaign, but he is teaming up with him for a Sept. 9 rally in Washington against [Read More]
GatewayPundit- Author Gabriel Sherman went on with Steve Malzberg on NewsMax TV Thursday.
I thought my parodies of Al Sharpton were a bit of an exaggeration. I wasn’t even close. The thoughts that social justice warriors put in vulnerable people’s heads, the “perceived” racism [Read More]
The morons have the temerity to claim the videos are “highly edited” and “taken out of context.” Okay, stupids, put the statements made by these cretins INTO CONTEXT. You’ve been [Read More]
Breitbart- Scientists in Israel have announced a breakthrough in HIV research, a development that will leave Israel boycotters with their latest ethical dilemma. The team from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev say their [Read More]
That sounded like a very sympathetic story, until police found receipts for a Gucci bag and some Lebron James sneakers. You know, the necessities. ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.