Hey de Blasio, stop f—king with the truth!
NYPost- An early TV game show, “Truth or Consequences,” aimed to spoof contestants with zany stunts and surprises. It was all good fun, and even the losers came out winners. [Read More]
NYPost- An early TV game show, “Truth or Consequences,” aimed to spoof contestants with zany stunts and surprises. It was all good fun, and even the losers came out winners. [Read More]
TheConservativeWife: The top Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee has a history of making controversial statements. He did it again Wednesday. U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., led off a [Read More]
Fox: President Obama was criticized last week by the president he is often compared to, Jimmy Carter.
TruthRevolt– A survey of American fast food patrons puts Chik-fil-A on top and McDonald’s on the bottom. Once the center of nationwide controversy and boycotting by progressive activists over its founder’s [Read More]
Some homosexual had “die fag” carved into his arm after a group of “homophobes” attacked him, leaving him with head and facial bruising, as well. Then a few days later his [Read More]
To understand the left, you need to remember that it does not care about 99 percent of the things it claims to care about. SultanKnish- There comes a time [Read More]
AmericanGlob- Progressives have made an industry out of blaming America for all that’s wrong with the world and an expected by product of that sentiment is their disdain for the [Read More]
New York Is Business-Friendly After All!
DailySurge– New York City Muslim cabbies were outraged after being slapped with hefty fines for tying up traffic and double-parking outside a Manhattan mosque while they were inside saying Friday prayers for [Read More]
VictoryGirls- Hillary Clinton is for the “little guy,” right? The middle class schlub? The vast numbers of the 99%? After all, in the speech she gave for her Campaign Rollout [Read More]
Senator and 2016 GOP Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz does his best impressions of characters from “The Simpsons.” h/t LibertyNews
Cruz praised Trump for spotlighting a problem, a problem which the PC crowd wants to overlook – that there are illegals flooding through our borders who or not good people. [Read More]
One of the rare Paul Harvey stories with an unhappy ending.
Click his disgusted face for video ht/ appropriately enough, SICKTOY
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