Tell Me More About the Daily Mail Being Right-Wing. They Publish Anti-Geller Hit Piece
The woman behind anti-Islamic Muhammad cartoon contest and her long history of hatred
The woman behind anti-Islamic Muhammad cartoon contest and her long history of hatred
WaExaminer: President Obama’s bid for fast track trade authority along with a huge Asian trade deal fell into further trouble Sunday night when a key Republican senator charged that the [Read More]
JihadWatch: UPDATE: The vile Sharia-adherent cowards and trimmers at the Daily Mail have now removed their event photos featuring the blacked-out Muhammad images. I’m glad that I was able to [Read More]
I’d forgotten that I had made this for display at Garland, which would only seen by attendees. This represents most of the submissions, but not all. (Some people submitted dozens, many [Read More]
From TruthRevolt: The men drove up to the Culwell Event Center in North Garland, got out of their car and began shooting just as the “Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon [Read More]
YahooSports: CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — Skiers and snowboarders at Vermont’s Sugarbush resort right now can spend the morning on the slopes and play golf in the afternoon – testament [Read More]
Bosch Fawstin took both prizes (the main event and the people’s choice award) with this image.
I just got off the phone with Miss Pamela. She said that the war is on our shores. Shots were fired for drawing a cartoon. Meanwhile our quisling left is [Read More]
AmericanThinker- I have to admit that this one crept up on me, unnoticed (and I lived in this state for 20 years). Karyn Bruggeman of National Journal reports:
Everyone should sign off all correspondences with this depiction of Muhammad. Use it on everything. @8{>
City Councilman Wears Hot Mic To Bathroom. magic movaxsi
From inside the AFDI event in Garland.
AmericanThinker: Following in the footsteps and traditions of all recent U.S. presidents, Barack Hussein Obama, our embattled #44, is busily planning his legacy archives, to be domiciled in a place [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.