Teacher loses job for flag stomping in class
EAG NEWS- According to a student in the class, Parmenter was using a small American flag as a pointer for a chart and when the student said it was “disrespectful,” [Read More]
EAG NEWS- According to a student in the class, Parmenter was using a small American flag as a pointer for a chart and when the student said it was “disrespectful,” [Read More]
He says he’d have to, because it takes too much time to complete his patented look. Which hairdo do you like best, ladies?
It was all race based. Western Journalism “Some colleagues of mine here have talked me into running for the Illinois State Senate (like being an MP for a province),” Obama [Read More]
Because the confederate flag. Yid With Lid- Judicial Watch released a new set of State Department documents indicating that the instructions to fraudulently blame the attack on the U.S. Mission in [Read More]
Read about an aspect of his life that has been largely overlooked by the MSM, probably because it portrays him in a light much different than Barack “I am [Read More]
So glad black people did this video. It explains the lack of backlash. It’s pretty damn funny. ht/ doc
WFB- Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell said Monday on CBS This Morning there was “nothing routine” about July 4 terrorist attack warnings by the FBI and Department of Homeland Security, [Read More]
Algemeiner– Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah pledged on Saturday that the Palestinian Authority would continue to provide the children of terrorists killed in attacks on Israel with free education and healthcare, [Read More]
TheNewAmerican– No doubt anticipating what was coming in the Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges on Friday, Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Representative Raul Labrador (R-Idaho) introduced bills a [Read More]
CagleCartoons.com HT/ Moe Tom
The NYTs explains why they run imagery offensive to Judeo-Christians but not images offensive to Muslims.- “[L]et’s not forget the Muslim family in Brooklyn who read us and is offended by any [Read More]
This video was sent in by Sean Padraig, a tipster who really took offense to the narrator’s vulgar voice-over. The videographer is amazed that this parade would be allowed, not [Read More]
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