That’s Not a Merkin
More Stuff Of Nightmares .
More Stuff Of Nightmares .
The Black and Latino Caucus in Wisconsin’s state house has only 6 members. In order to be more relevant, the Caucus has decided to invite White representatives of minority districts [Read More]
By Brianna Ehley The White House is facing legal backlash from 11 Republican attorneys general who say the President is breaking the law by making changes to Obamacare without first [Read More]
Chris Maddow is so mad he may skip a period. He doesn’t like that well over half of America is currently covered in snow and that a group of climate [Read More]
googleplus The lonely Conservative Late CMS Payments Cause Hospitals To Miss Payrolls Some small hospitals have not been able to make their payrolls for weeks thanks to late payments from [Read More]
MRC Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on PBS: Supreme Court Has Moved Race Relations ‘Backwards’ On the December 30 edition of PBS’s Charlie Rose show former NBA great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar decried the state [Read More]
1164 × 858 Moe Lane Iowa man continues to go blind, thanks to #obamacare. I admit, I was wondering how this administration was planning to implement one of the key tools [Read More]
medical ambitions RedAlert If Obamacare tells you the sky is blue, just assume that it’s orange and don’t ask any questions. Opening 2014 the same way 2013 ended — with [Read More]
Lifenews Who should young girls grow up to be like? If you listen to the Girl Scouts, the answer is apparently they should aspire to become Wendy Davis, the state [Read More]
Atlas Shrugs Religious authorities of Selangor (a state closest to the capital) raided the Bible Society and confiscated 300 bibles in Malay and Iban (an indigenous language). More interfaith dialogue [Read More]
Via Gawker Washington Blade (America’s #1 Gay News Source???? I thought that was Media Matters) Gay singer and “American Idol” runner-up Clay Aiken is actively considering a bid to represent [Read More]
It’s important .
Daily Mail Justice Department to spend $544,000 on a new LinkedIn profile A federal government contract issued in December provides $284,000 on shipping boxes for FRUIT FLIES The EPA will [Read More]
DailyMailUK ‘They had no idea if my insurance was active or not!’: Obamacare confusion reigns as frustrated patients walk out of hospitals without treatment MailOnline spoke with patients who were [Read More]
ABC The California Supreme Court granted a license Thursday to Sergio Garcia, 36, in a unanimous decision. Garcia, who attended law school and passed the state bar exam while working [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.