Pakistan Takes Humane Step Of Chemical Castration For Rapist, Instead Of Koran’s Punishment – IOTW Report

Pakistan Takes Humane Step Of Chemical Castration For Rapist, Instead Of Koran’s Punishment


Pakistan will now chemically castrate convicted rapists after new laws were signed in by the government on Tuesday.

The country has brought in tough new laws seeking to tackle the rape epidemic in Pakistan following public outcry against sexual violence in the country.

President Arif Alvi signed the measures into law on Tuesday after Prime Minister Imran Khan and his cabinet approved the legislation last month. 

Chemical castration involves using medication to reduce testosterone and has been used for pedophiles in Indonesia since 2016. More

Sources vary on what the Koran dictates as proper punishment for rapists. Some believe death to be the most appropriate sentence. Here

Others believe in stoning (for the married) or whipping (for the unmarried). This source states that the crime of rape doesn’t apply in marriage or slavery. Here

While there are those that see surgical castration as the correct solution there is also the less harsh blood money fine, equivalent marriage gift, or compensation for economic loss, which ever solution is most agreeable to the aggrieved party (most likely the woman’s male family members). Here

11 Comments on Pakistan Takes Humane Step Of Chemical Castration For Rapist, Instead Of Koran’s Punishment

  1. …that’s stupid.

    Rape is about power, not sex. Deprived of a penis, a rapist will use a bottle, a broomstick, anything phallic, and use it with rage because he’s also mad he has to improvise and can’t get his victim pregnant.

    The penis is a tool, not the problem.

    He’ll find another tool.

    Its up to you whether you think that’s better or not.

    But to me, a rapist, especially a pedophile, has crossed a line that can’t be uncrowded.

    They won’t stop unless stopped after that.

    And only death stops them.

    I’m not agreeing with the Koran, I’m just reporting what I’ve seen.

    I don’t give a shit about being humane to the rapist.

    Because they weren’t very humane to their victims.

    And its not worth letting his sorry ass live so he can find alternate ways to ruin more lives.

    Because he WILL.

    Its what they DO.

    Giving them a limp dick will only make them angry.

    So much so that their next victim may be raped with a knife.

    And you better believe that happens.

    Don’t be nice. Kill them.

    They deserve nothing more.

  2. “Equivalent marriage gift”? Is that where the woman has to marry her rapist to reverse the shame of being raped? If so, God help the girls whose guardian chooses that BS.

  3. geoff the aardvark
    DECEMBER 16, 2020 AT 6:20 PM
    “Castrate them like they do with bulls. Real tight rubber bands around their balls until their balls fall off.”

    …and THEN kill them.

  4. Brad
    DECEMBER 16, 2020 AT 6:36 PM
    “Well then just put the rubber bands around there necks. ”

    Well, their balls will definitely fall off at some point that way, too. I’m OK with that.

    Thank you now!


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