Pelosi demands Jeff Sessions steps down – IOTW Report

Pelosi demands Jeff Sessions steps down

Boston Globe-

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is calling on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to step down amid recent reports about undisclosed conversations he had last year with the Russian ambassador.

In a statement, Pelosi said Sessions committed “apparent perjury.”

“Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his confirmation hearing before the Senate,” Pelosi said. “Under the penalty of perjury, he told the Seante Judiciary Committee, ‘I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians.’ We now know that statement is false.


26 Comments on Pelosi demands Jeff Sessions steps down

  1. I have a Russian neighbor. I tried to befriend him at least three times. He is an ignorant asshole and doesn’t speak English. His wife and daughters are friendly enough. At least the wave and say Hi. My opinion/? Speaking to a Russian deserves a medal. They are ignorant clouts.

  2. Pelosi is just screaming for attention as she’s trying to pull the stake out of her black heart that Trump drove in with his speech. When will she burst into flames?

  3. Where were these people when DOJ’s Holder transferred a shitload of weapons to the Mexican cartels, or when Lynch met with Bill Clinton during his wife’s investigation of her less than secure server ! Truly amazing !

  4. Sessions should respond by opening a Permanent Task Force On Corruption In Congress.
    Start with demanding all back records to the start of their elected careers. They, their spouses, every donation they’ve ever received, every junket ever taken, every board they’ve sat on.
    Total Lawfare.

    No quarter. But lots of prisoners.
    20 to Life.

    Start off with Polosi, Franken, Warren.
    Keep them occupied.

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