Pelosi says: I Can Hear Chinese Leaders Laughing at Trump Because We Can Dig a Hole to China – IOTW Report

Pelosi says: I Can Hear Chinese Leaders Laughing at Trump Because We Can Dig a Hole to China

NTK: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) claimed that she could hear Chinese leaders laughing at President Trump because of the president’s shifting stance on relations with the world’s most populous nation.

Then Pelosi added that she could hear the laughter coming through the ground “because if you dig a hole here, you will reach China.”

The House Minority Leader should work on her geography. A tunnel through the Earth from Washington, D.C. would put the traveler in the Indian Ocean, a few hundred miles off of the coast of Austrailia.

Perhaps Chinese leaders are laughing at Pelosi instead. — NTK Network

25 Comments on Pelosi says: I Can Hear Chinese Leaders Laughing at Trump Because We Can Dig a Hole to China

  1. When she approaches a microphone now days instead of the usual gaggle of nodding sycophants she has the House nursing staff standing behind her carefully monitoring.

  2. Instead of quietly having her step down and retire I guess they’re just going to let this addled woman continue to disintegrate live on camera. They’ll finally get out the shepherds hook when she squats and pee’s on the podium.

  3. Palin was pilloried for saying she could see Russia, she never said it, Tina Fey said it on SNL.
    Pelosi said this, bet this doesn’t grow wings, even if it is true.

  4. Sooooo JEALOUS!

    Trump is getting more than red carpet treatment in China. He is getting “Never Before” treatment. Dinner at the Forbidden City? Huge parades? Children waving flags and cheering? Melania strutting around gobbling up eye-attention?

    THIS is not how they envisioned the world treating Trump.
    I don’t see the Chinese laughing at him at all.

    Get out of Jr. High Pelosi.

  5. Do chinks laugh at retards?

    I would think that to be undignified.
    Pelosi’s a retard and an embarrassment to America.
    Like most of the CA delegation, she brings nothing but shame.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @wambam

    Imagine a spaceship landing in your backyard. An alien steps out and asks you to take him to your leader. Introducing him to Nancy Pelosi would go a long way toward convincing him that there was no intelligent life on earth.

  7. As they wheel her carcASS to the podium, she’s batting away the bats and wasps that are buzzing around her head, waiting for a meal. That’s what she hears. That explains the blinking eyes, also; incoming objects make her blink.

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