Pelosi won’t easily shoot down gun rights – IOTW Report

Pelosi won’t easily shoot down gun rights

ONN: One pro-gun activist hopes that President Donald Trump and the Republican-controlled Senate can head off some extremely problematic anti-gun legislation introduced by the new Democrat-controlled House of Representatives.

Most will not be surprised that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) – who plans to return as Speaker in the next House – has declared that gun control will be a priority in the next Congress.

It should also be noted that Pelosi will push for universal background checks which she claims will prevent guns from going into the wrong hands.

Gun Owners of America Legislative Counsel Mike Hammond believes that Democrats will be hard-pressed to get Pelosi’s proposed measure through the Senate.

“Pelosi has said that’s the first thing she’ll pass,” Hammond informed in a report. “My head count is there are 51 votes against that in the Senate. They need 60 votes to invoke cloture in the Senate. They only have 49, so I suspect we’ll kill that rather [than pass it].”


14 Comments on Pelosi won’t easily shoot down gun rights

  1. Squeaky Pelosi and Tex Schumer dont really like guns. They prefer knives and machetes. Its easier to cut a baby out of a mother’s belly with a knife than a gun.

  2. …end of Genesis…

    “7 And Joseph went up to bury his father: and with him went up all the servants of Pharaoh, the elders of his house, and all the elders of the land of Egypt,”
    Genesis 50:7

    Pharoh loves Joseph, Israel is invited as his brethren to live in peace in Egypt.

    …beginning of Exodus, the next book…

    “8 Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.

    9 And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we:

    10 Come on, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when there falleth out any war, they join also unto our enemies, and fight against us, and so get them up out of the land.”
    Exodus 1:8-10

    …SURPRISE! New king, new day, everybody enslaved!

    ..the point is, you are NEVER more than one generation away from slavery…

    …and the Democrats KNOW that…

  3. Pelosi won’t be running Congress. She will be running the House. Gun control isn’t going to happen – if anything gun rights will expand, as they have been for the past 2 decades or more, as courts rule in favor of 2A. Oh, maybe the bump stock thing will happen (although it shouldn’t) but it is meaningless.

  4. @Supernightshade:
    “..the point is, you are NEVER more than one generation away from slavery…”

    And with a 50% hostile congress and a questionable John Roberts Supreme Court, I don’t like the odds.

  5. “And with a 50% hostile congress and a questionable John Roberts Supreme Court, I don’t like the odds.”

    …you are right, @Tony R, but if you throw in the surviving RINOs and their chief, Mitt Romney in the Senate, I’d say the percentage of Congress that is hostile to our President and the welfare of the United States of America EXCEEDS 50%…

  6. Stopped believing in the Dem/Rep job kindergarten a long time ago. Just a childish phony pissing match. At the end of the day they meet for drinks and dinner and laugh at the voters they continue to hoodwink. As long as they portend the odds, here is where we are and have been and will continue to be. That’s the game and as long as it’s bought into they are the ones winning.

  7. What cracks me up is that they think WE really give two-shits when they say it’s “bipartisan”.

    The only thing “bipartisan” is their traitorous and seditious behavior.

    To the political class: You aren’t taking our guns. Ever.

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