Pelosi’s Daughter Skewered for Claiming Her Mom’s Bad Behavior is Typical Italian Grandmother Behavior – IOTW Report

Pelosi’s Daughter Skewered for Claiming Her Mom’s Bad Behavior is Typical Italian Grandmother Behavior

100%FedUp: Nancy Pelosi’s daughter, Christine Pelosi, was interviewed on Fox News, where she defended her mother’s bad behavior towards President Trump. Christine called her mother a “wonderful person” and said everyone she knows “loved it” when her mother ripped up President Trump’s speech.

She also claimed on Twitter it was typical Italian grandmother behavior when her mother ripped up President Trump’s speech. more

27 Comments on Pelosi’s Daughter Skewered for Claiming Her Mom’s Bad Behavior is Typical Italian Grandmother Behavior

  1. Pelosi’s (with her husband) gross worth increased 400% since she became Speaker.

    I should be so “stupid.”

    AND she isn’t being investigated for (obvious) corruption!
    “Stupid” like a fox.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. My German Grandmother would have thumped Nan squarely on her noggin with a big wooden stirrin’ spoon. Then grabbed her by an earlobe, spun her around and put a size 10 black granny shoe straight up her ass on her way to the sink for a proper denture fitting of a lava soap bar….

  3. Typical Italian grandmothers are calm, loving and honest and FAIR.

    When they are upset they don’t rehearse ripping up official documents and grandstanding. They beat you with a wooden spoon.

    I know, I’ve had two.

    Pelosi behaves much more like a New Jersey Shore Princess Daughter in Law.

  4. A good quote that applies to this situation by Judge Judy, unfortunately a “Little Mike” devotee;
    “Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining.”
    Pelosi’s kid is just as deceitful as her lunatic mother.

  5. She should be skewered for passing crab lice to those multiple “partners” she engaged in casual sex with.
    Her personal hygiene as well as her mothers has lapsed recently. It must be the pressure.


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