Pennsylvania News Anchor Jumps in Front of a Train – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania News Anchor Jumps in Front of a Train


Celebrated Pennsylvania news anchor Emily Matson’s sudden death on Monday has been ruled a suicide.

Matson, 42, was struck by a train at around 12.45am on Monday, in Fairview Township in Erie Pennsylvania, where she lived, according to Erie County Coroner’s Office.

The Erie News Now anchor was last on air Friday before the station announced her shock passing on Monday.

‘It is with a very heavy heart that we have learned of the passing of our beloved Erie News Now news anchor Emily Matson,’ said Scott MacDowell, Erie News Now’s news director.

‘Emily was a shining light in our newsroom, delivering news with a passion and love she had for the Erie community and Northwest Pennsylvania. 

‘We loved Emily dearly and our hearts go out to the Matson family and her husband Ryan at this time.’


35 Comments on Pennsylvania News Anchor Jumps in Front of a Train

  1. Agreed Dr Tar. Makes little sense someone with a career and disposition like that would choose not to have any other choices.

    Must have been a very deep and dark secret.

  2. Why would anyone deliberately jump in front of a train? I don’t get it and I agree with Tim. There is nothing whatsoever worth killing yourself for. I have known too many people who have committed suicide because they gave up hope or were tormented by drugs/alcohol or a terminal illness or because they were outed as gay etc. and killed themselves. Suicide is not a victimless act because the loved ones left behind often become the victims of the person who decided to kill themselves.

  3. “Why would anyone deliberately jump in front of a train? ”

    Especially a woman. Studies reveal they don’t like messing up their faces if the decide to kill themselves. Women rarely use guns in suicides for that reason.

  4. BFH
    TUESDAY, 12 DECEMBER 2023, 16:13 AT 4:13 PM
    “My friend is a conductor on a rail line. He gets at least 1 suicide every month.”

    …I once took a patient to a further away hospital while her dad rode up front with me, and he needed to talk to keep the anxiety away. Turned out he was a railroad engineer, and he said that every engineer has killed someone, many more than one, it’s just the nature of driving a huge vehicle at high speeds that people don’t respect until it kills them.

    Saw the results of a suicide by train too. Guy parked next to a railway cutting in a mall parking lot, left a note in his unlocked car while he went around the literal bend in the dark so there was no chance, and apparently sat down and waited. Pretty messy, rough amputations and some parts dragged further than others, including the head.

    This is the difference between a suicide gesture and a suicide. People who wait for trains are pretty serious about leaving us.

    I only hope she lived long enough to repent and call upon the Lord. It’s never too late until the last breath has left your body, maybe she did.

    May God bless and comfort her family. Those left behind truly suffer the cruelest fate. Many blame themselves when they should not. Don’t seek rational answers from people in end stage mental illness as there are none.

    Don’t give the demons that tormented the departed a fresh victim, lest you become the someone’s grief yourself.

    Seek in Him the peace that cannot be found in men, fir His is the only counsel that cannot fail, if only you seek Him in need.

  5. Ya know, if I reported the news for 20 years, that would have a toll on me. She’s not the first news woman to kill herself. This one did one better!

    Christine Chubbuck (August 24, 1944 – July 15, 1974) was an American television news reporter who worked for stations WTOG and WXLT-TV in Sarasota, Florida. She was the first person to die by suicide on a live television broadcast. Hudson, Ohio, U.S.

    Google her name for more details

  6. All the locomotives on that track have LocoCams. They record video in front of the locomotive and have saved the railroads billions from lawsuits.

    The video will tell the story.

  7. My dad was bi-polar.
    His upbeat times could last for quite a while.
    His low periods, well, he could fake happy pretty well.
    At least until he had a complete breakdown.
    No one can be happy and positive all the time.
    It’s sad that she decided to end her life.
    No one ever really knows what goes on in someone’s mind and what kind of pain they are masking, that the people around her seemingly didn’t pick up on.

  8. The ultimate act of self-ownership is suicide. That being said, involving others is completely immoral. What train conductors, etc must deal with is something nobody should face.

  9. NIdahoCatholic
    TUESDAY, 12 DECEMBER 2023, 18:42 AT 6:42 PM
    “SNS, there is more than one Catholic theologian who says the soul does not leave the body until all cellular activity ceases. Pray for her. God is outside of time.”

    Perhaps, I would like to think so. But having had the dubious privilege of trying to recall the recently departed on more than one occasion, having looked in their eyes and lifted their literal dead weight, it seemed evident in those beyond reach that their eternal spark had been reclaimed and that all the compressions and injections and electrodes were in vain. It’s difficult to describe the flaccidity in an unembalmed and very recently deceased dead man’s face, or the loss of light in his windows on the world. We always made the effort, but it was often possible to tell when it would not have a positive outcome before the official declaration was made.

    I hope for her sake and for the sake of many others, some I knew and some I didn’t, that those theologians are correct. God’s mercy is infinite after all, and it is in His hands, not mine.

    But I would recommend that none take the chance. Something about putting the Lord to the test is to be avoided, in His own words, after all…

  10. You sure she wasn’t pushed, or left lying on the tracks in an incapacitated state? I thought women were into things like hanging, carbon monoxide poisoning, or pills-and-booze. Jesus, of all the ways to commit suicide, this one seems guaranteed to hurt before you die.

  11. @anon: My son is an engineer, and such a thing happened to him. The guy laid his head on the track and got muzzled. Son didn’t know it until the sheriff and his boss stopped him 15 miles down the track. All on camera.

  12. Appearances can be tricky. At her age, she has probably been hurt enough and has risen as high as she’s going to go career-wise: so she lost hope and put an end to her pain. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, so it’s said. And often, committing suicide is the ultimate “fuck you”. I’m curious to see what stories comes] up about her life.


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