‘People Are Dying’: Law Enforcement Pins Colorado Overdose Spike to Dem-Passed Law – IOTW Report

‘People Are Dying’: Law Enforcement Pins Colorado Overdose Spike to Dem-Passed Law

Free Beacon

On Sunday, five people died of fentanyl overdoses in a suburban Denver apartment, leaving a four-month-old baby parentless as a result. Now, local enforcement officials are blaming a Democrat-passed bill that weakened the criminal punishment for fentanyl possession.

Police found five adults dead in a Commerce City, Colo., apartment Sunday afternoon, with narcotics discovered at the scene later testing positive for fentanyl. The tragic event has revived calls from local prosecutors and police to reverse a 2019 law that made the possession of four grams or less of many hard drugs—including fentanyl—a misdemeanor instead of a felony. 

That law passed shortly after Colorado Democrats expanded their majority in the state House and captured control of the state Senate. At the time, Colorado prosecutors called on lawmakers to exempt fentanyl from the penalty reduction, noting that four grams of fentanyl is the equivalent of 13,000 deadly doses. But the bill’s sponsors refused, and opioid overdose deaths in the state went on to spike by 54 percent in 2020. 

“There was a time when fentanyl, methamphetamine, cocaine, and heroin were demonized. Then we changed the law to say anything under four grams is a misdemeanor,” Denver police chief Paul Pazen told the Gazette. “And again, since then, we have seen a rise in overdose deaths. … [The law] was well-intended, but people are dying.” more here

21 Comments on ‘People Are Dying’: Law Enforcement Pins Colorado Overdose Spike to Dem-Passed Law

  1. Something Democrats are proud of, it’s called population control. It’s getting harder to lower the population with all the anti abortion laws being passed and the anti vax crowd. Better health care for the elderly! Something has to be done. Those useless people are using up too many resources and not voting for liberals like they should. Nothing a little fentanyl can’t take care of.

  2. “The law] was well-intended, but people are dying.”
    The police chief is giving WAY too much credit to the democrats. Every law they pass is designed to hasten the collapse of our nation.

  3. Five is in the rules as acceptable consequences. Five pales to the numbers of votes we receive by making stupid laws towards legalizing drugs. Thats how we got Witmer to be governor of Michigan. Legal pot! Get with the program.

  4. We were on Denver 5 yesterday ago.
    They had stopped arresting people for weed and other so-called “low level” drugs.
    It’s great to say their body their choice and it only affects the users.
    Not true.
    There were addicts of assorted drugs and pot smoking everywhere. All in public disturbing families, other people and businesses.
    Laying about the streets and sidewalks, freaking out, begging, passing out, etc.

    It creates an unsafe place.
    I can’t imagine how bad it is now.

  5. “The law was well-intended, but people are dying.”

    How did the Chief read their intentions? Mental telepathy? Ouija Board? Voices in the head? Whisperings through the wheat? Tea leaves?

    “Well-intended” an assumption based on ignorance and deceit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. It’s hard to imagine people being this careless with their lives and this irresponsible around their children.

    Fortunately, having seen it, I don’t have to imagine it. This isn’t as unusual as you’d like to think.

    First, not exonerating the Democrats here. Democrats will definitely find a way to side with evil and maximize human suffering, then blame someone else and fund raise off of it. They have to, it’s their brand, its what their father satan tells them to do, and it works. There is no pit in hell deep enough, no flames in hell hot enough, no torment in hell painful enough, to even pay back a tiny portion of the evil that Democrats do on a daily basis, not if they could have multiple lives and an eternity of damnation for each one of them. Democrats were, are, and always will be evil, no matter what they call themselves and what guise they wear. They are nothing but the tools of the devil, and they WILL have their share in the Lake of Fire with him.

    That said, lets be real here.

    The “parents” are not victims.

    The parents are willing idiots.

    …No, they did not expect to die of their overdose, or at least to not be reachable if they did. It’s pretty common for addicts to keep nasal Narcan around nowadays and pretty easy to get it, even encouraged in some places. I know personally of one pair of addicts that took turns reviving each other when it went too far, until the day it didn’t work any more and the father was found by the 10 year old son, quite unreachably deceased. They narced him a couple of times in the squad for good measure, but it was a lost cause. I have covered this here before so I won’t repeat, other than to point out that Narcan sometimes cannot counteract Fentanyl, and it certainly can’t counteract death if you don’t get found right away.

    The point is that these folks were probably co-dependent addicts who counted on each other to reach each other, until the day that Death jumped them both from the point of a needle.

    A needle that they WILLINGLY gave themselves.

    A needle that they took the trouble to procure, find a substance to put in it, prepare an injection site, and plunge Death into their own veins.

    With their own hands.

    Democrats made it easier, or at least less illegal, for a pusher to give them a lethal dose of fentanyl in their horse.

    But Democrats didn’t make them TAKE it.

    I am no hairless innocent about heroin and other addictive drugs. I’ve had patients live and die with it, I’ve had friends children live and die with it, I’ve had co-workers live and die with it. I’ve read the King Heroin poem, spent time at addiction centers, tried to talk people out of it personally, tried to save their lives in the most literal sense when talk didn’t work. I know the physical addiction, the brain chemistry that makes withdraw so horrible, the craving it instills in the user that makes literally nothing else matter but the next fix. I’ve seen people lie, cheat, steal from their own grandmothers to support their habit and not give a shit what happens if they are caught. I’ve known young men steal a car from their parents and wreck it in search of the next high, even though they have had no right to drive for years because of previous wrecks WHILE high. I know all this, and more. Sometimes, I wish I knew less, it is both distressing and disgusting what drugs do, and I would cheerfully kill a dealer with my bare hands for their part in such tragedy if the opportunity presented itself. Some stuff can’t be talked about even to this day.

    But the sad fact is that it doesn’t matter. Take one dealer out, there’s a dozen more there. Take one Democrat out, there’s a hundred more there. Even if you could wave a wand and completely interdict heroin, they’d be huffing paint and cooking meth tomorrow.

    What a Democrat does or does not do does NOT absolve any man of responsibility for his OWN life.

    The problem is where the blame is where the solution is.

    At the user level.

    The addiction doesn’t need to STOP if it doesn’t START. At some point, these young people “scored some drugs”, took a needle, and jabbed it in their arms to see what it would do for the first time. Yes, making it harder to get would make this harder to do, but at the end of the day a person did something stupid TO THEMSELVES, and stupid has consequences.

    One of those consequences is death.

    Another is that you aren’t alive to raise your baby.

    A third is that maybe NOBODY will raise your baby, once they hear its the child of addicts. Addicted children, even babies, are a “thing”, sometimes Moms gives them hard drugs to stop teething pain, other times they get addicted in the womb. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and prenatal crack addicted babies are “things” too. Very hard children to raise, many fosters don’t want the drama.

    So you’ve damned your child along with yourself.

    …I’ve said this many times. I have very little hope that someone can break such an addiction. I have seen no exception personally or professionally, they become known as “frequent flyers” on the ambulance and “recidivists” to the police. I am the wrong guy to come to for comfort on this because I will not lie and so I have none to give.

    But I know Someone who DOES.

    The addiction to chemicals brewed by Man cannot be cured by Man. This can ONLY be cured by turning to the Lord Jesus Christ for help. No addict can “kick” it on their own, they need the Lord to turn to when the craving is too strong, when the withdrawal pains are too great, when the world is too much for them. The Hope of Mankind is indeed the Hope for Addicts too.

    But here’s the problem.

    They have to WANT to.

    I’ve had all sorts of talks with addicts. I’ve gone down the “this is what you have to look forward to” path. I’ve gone down the “look what you’re doing to your family” path. Down the “you can’t keep a job, you can’t have a car, you’ll never have any money, and every vein in your body is so blown out you’re injecting shit between your toes” path.


    I came to the Lord late, well after that part of my life was mostly over, so I never tried the “Roman Road” path in the Little Red Truck. But I have since learned of Christian addition centers, one of which is ministered by a former hophead, who show that the Lord can indeed work miracles with very flawed materials.

    But I am a weak vessel and have not gotten addicts since then to accept His help. Most roll their eyes at the mere mention of the Lord, others recoil in fear, still others think they are too soiled to approach the altar. Don’t think that addicts don’t know on some level they are disgusting, because they most certainly DO. That is what keeps them in their groups and keeps them sharing drugs, because their comfort level is among people who swim in the same sewer and cannot pretend to be better than they are.

    This self-image produces things like these two dead people and orphaned child at the end, and sometimes much worse.

    Sometimes they kill other innocents when they shoot themselves up WHILE DRIVING.

    Sometimes…well, that’s enough. Many of you have lived as long as I, or longer. You know what drugs can do. You don’t need a list from me. This is too long anyway, and I could go on for days.

    And I don’t have the answer anyway. Other than the only one that I gave above.

    Give it to God. No other can save the addict.

    …but it DOES fall to us to root out the evil in our time as well.

    Don’t HELP enable it.

    Don’t vote Democrat.

    And be prepared when it’s time to do more than VOTE to rid this world of their scourge.

    It won’t cure addiction. It won’t cure evil. But it WILL make the world a better place, for a little while, until evil rises yet again, unless the Lord returns first…

  7. I see the irony of the jab vs fentanyl. What’s the difference if you OD on fentanyl or die from a government jab that will kill you? I’m for the fentanyl, like the jab, fentanyl will kill you in Warp Speed! I’m curious as to how many deaths fentanyl causes on a weekly bases vs the covid jab. I bet the jab wins out! The jab has a long-term ill effect on people. BTW, both fentanyl and the jab are voluntary.

  8. I know, lets work on this by spending another $30 million on crack pipes and needles. I saw a video of what they were giving out, it was in a package celebrating life with a needle, crack pipe, alcohol swap and breath mint. Because your government loves you and having seen Hunter Biden’s teeth they even added in a breath mint.

  9. I’ve read that due to our uncontrolled border, record amounts of fentanyl are coming across. Add that to the “crack pipe kits” the Feds were trying (maybe succeeding) in giving out, and the Libs/Dems enable both the Supply side & Consumer side of illegal drug use. Thanks, guys. Let’s go Brandon.


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