Hi folks. The portrait below is Boobie the Rocket Dog.

Boobie’s best friend is longtime reader Boobie the Rocket Dog. The team of Boobie and Boobie has been enriching this blog since the very beginning.
Boobie, the dog, passed away on July 16th, 2018.
This section of the blog is dedicated to this great doggy.
All prices are in addition to shipping. Shipping is usually between 12-30 dollars, depending on size and destination.
9×12- $275
11×14 – $325
14×20 – $400
20 x 24 and up – $475
email me, we’ll talk. BigFurHat.mail@gmail.com
These are portraits I’ve painted of our reader’s pets. They send me photos and I make a painting. They come in various sizes and various levels of intensity, depending on how artsy (drunk) you want me to get!




Willie, Prince, and Dad

Fuckers dumped all the pets!
Canada? Dudley Do-wrong.
The pets are boarding with me. Don’t know how much more barking I can take. Trust me, they’ll be back.
Phew… Now I can get finally get some sleep again.
Best looking bunch of pets, and pet paintings, anywhere!
Those are great!
Of all the great stuff you have done, online and off, these paintings have to be the coolest art you have ever done. And I say that owning a proof of your Molon Labe. 🙂
Thanks again Fur.
Don’t forget Phoebe. She’s just lovely. Thanks.
Just looked at your menagerie of pet portraits Fur. I’ve always thought they were exceptional.
However, looking at the group of them, I’m REALLY impressed at how beautifully and accurately you’ve captured the eyes which are the most difficult to paint.
We need pics of beautiful Boston Terriers!!!
You still haven’t shown my Robert’s Kya. A beauty.
Very nice work.
Major talent !
I am impressed with your art !
Which one is Tuesday and which one is Muffin? 🙂
Beautiful work!!!
Thank you for our painting of Kobalt!! We will always treasure it.
We miss him terribly!!
Kobalt is a cool looking dog. Looks very wise. I miss my Hannah even after a year. BFG is able to capture the vibrancy of our beloved ‘lil friends even in their older stages of life.
After you die, you can tell you are going to Heaven because the barking gets louder the higher up you go
I figure if/when I turn 80 all of my kids will have moved out and then I will get a bull terrier puppy who (theoretically) I will not outlive.
“Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell
I LOVE Boobie the Rocket Dog! What an absolute cutie! 🙂
You make Chihuahuas look more interesting than they are!
I sent Claudia a pic of the Mud dogs sometime back. I’d like a BFH rendition. Let me know what you think, Please.
Love these!! Beautiful work!
Good, steady hand. The cats are especially well done.
Been admiring your artistic skill for years. I honestly have to look close at some of them to make sure they aren’t photos.